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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Living History

Date: 12/31/21 09:16
Living History
Author: ETFuller

A while back, John Springer, who is a regular contributor to The Trackside Photographer, phoned me and said that he knew of several retired railroaders who had worked at a time when telegraphy and morse code were still in use by the railroad. A few weeks before Christmas, we had the opportunity to record a conversation with three "old-timers" and listen to their stories. This is history—living history.


Edd Fuller, Editor
The Trackside Photographer

Date: 12/31/21 21:49
Re: Living History
Author: OHCR1551

I've said it before...the time to capture history is now, the time to ask those questions is today. Thank you for preserving the stories.

Rebecca Morgan
Jacobsburg, OH

Date: 01/02/22 07:19
Re: Living History
Author: perklocal

Thank you for this link !  Very interesting and I learned a lot about the lost art of telegraphy.

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