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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Living History: Engineers

Date: 06/30/22 08:48
Living History: Engineers
Author: ETFuller

In this episode of Living History, we talk with three retired locomotive engineers, who describe the ups and downs of life as an engineer on the railroad.


Edd Fuller, Editor
The Trackside Photographer

Date: 07/02/22 03:43
Re: Living History: Engineers
Author: lne655

Enjoyed that, thanks for posting.

Date: 09/25/22 08:57
Re: Living History: Engineers
Author: SanJoaquinEngr

Great stories. It seems that no matter where you work as an engineer.. Anywhere in the US or abroad one can have the same experience s but a different location. Learning from mentors, fatalities, crazy and fun fellow workers..etc.

Posted from Android

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