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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div EngDate: 11/10/22 19:01 Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div Eng Author: HardYellow Just got the word from Rick Parsley, Barney Zittsman was diagnosed a month ago with a brain tumor and passed away today. He was originally a Southern Pacific Engineer worked the Los Angeles Division.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/22 07:30 by HardYellow. Date: 11/10/22 19:42 Re: Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div Eng Author: ExSPCondr Started working with him about 52 years ago now, one of the best. RIP Barney.
G Date: 11/11/22 05:52 Re: Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div Eng Author: spider1319 Sorry to hear of his passing. Bill Webb
Date: 11/11/22 10:46 Re: Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div Eng Author: cewherry Sorry to hear of this. Barney attended SP's engineer training school during my second 'tour' there,
June-December 1977 but I don't recall working with him 'in the craft'. I seem to recall he had recently been a member here on TO's. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Charles Wherry Date: 11/12/22 05:55 Re: Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div Eng Author: SanJoaquinEngr Ronald Zittsmann. What a character ! He did not put up with any crap from the weasels. An avid golfer that was always found on the links in his off time.
Barney was a nick name he earned at an early age. Because he resembled the character from the Flintstones Barney Rubble. Am saddened by his passing. RIP Barney and don't forget to yell "Fore". Posted from Android Date: 11/13/22 13:05 Re: Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div Eng Author: Zephyr Very sad to hear of Barney's passing. When APL set up a Quality team with SP to improve APL train service, Barney was selected to be on the team. He had a lot of excellent input and helped reduce some of the delays associated with train operation. He will be missed. Rest in Peace Barney!
Pete Camarillo, California Date: 11/16/22 15:00 Re: Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div Eng Author: PasadenaSub Sorry to hear about his passing. RIP Mr. Zittsman.
Date: 11/18/22 12:46 Re: Barney Zittsman, SP/UP LA Div Eng Author: goldcoast Did an obituary appear in any of the Los Angeles area newspapers?