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Railroaders' Nostalgia > What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

Date: 01/22/23 17:32
What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Author: icgspartadistrict

It's May 1995. I'm barely a year into my railroad career and already a locomotive engineer - working for Gateway Western Railway - moving Santa Fe "haulage trains" into and out of East St. Louis, Illinois.

No safety glasses, no gloves, no safety vest, no ear plugs, no ditchlights, no managers hiding in the weeds, no PSR, no gut, no grey, no fuckery, no pure unadulterated misery fellers......chuckle.......and absolutely no clue.

Stopped on the SPCSL - on the Westbound Main holding back of Pontoon Road - waiting for WR Tower - Granite City, IL to tell us to come on down.  Photo taken by Conductor Steven P. Bast.


Date: 01/22/23 22:26
Re: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Author: roustabout

I hired out with the Willamette & Pacific, May 1996.  The RFE handed me a student engineer card six months later.  Thirteen months and over 500 hours running as a student later, I got my check ride on the job that ran into SP's (actually UP) Brooklyn Yard, Christmas Eve 1997 with The Reverend acting as DSLE.  No vest, no safety toe boots, no safety glasses (I think).  Good times!

Date: 01/23/23 18:28
Re: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Author: irhoghead

I hired out in 1989. Railroading used to be fun. Not so much anymore.

Date: 02/03/23 21:20
Re: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Author: tgcostello

You sure look like you are enjoying the experience, John.  Great photos.

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