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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Whatever happened to Tom Farence

Date: 03/14/23 13:53
Whatever happened to Tom Farence
Author: callen77

Hi all,

Curious if anyone has insight into Tom Farence -- or at least the departure of his images and stories from railpictures and other online locales. I would understand if he was feeling a sense of ownership and concerned over attribution, but his looks back are certainly missed.

Hope he's well and still shooting wherever he may be. Not sure if he ever posted here (I'm new to TO).

Date: 03/15/23 12:02
Re: Whatever happened to Tom Farence
Author: MILW86A

Last time I saw Tom was almost a year ago when the IAIS ran the QJ 6988 out of Newton IA to the Quads. Seemed to be in good spirits then as we know several old Milwaukee Road employees who are still around or have gone to the round house in the sky. 


Date: 03/17/23 08:08
Re: Whatever happened to Tom Farence
Author: callen77

Ah, well, it would be great to see his images and read his words again if he ever feels so inclined... wherever you are, Tom, thanks!

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