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Railroaders' Nostalgia > BEAN TIE UP on the SP!

Date: 06/02/23 11:20
BEAN TIE UP on the SP!
Author: ApproachCircuit

Los Angeles Mar 9 1978
C&E Extra 8895 East

You may take a Bean Yie-up at Los Angeles Yard instead of eating Between Mojave and Los Angeles Yard.



Date: 06/02/23 13:21
Re: BEAN TIE UP on the SP!
Author: JGFuller

Chief Duspr Robert M. Gregory. "RMG" meant "Rock - Marble - Granite" ... a man whose mind once set was rarely changed!

Date: 06/02/23 18:16
Re: BEAN TIE UP on the SP!
Author: SanJoaquinEngr

JGFuller Wrote:
> Chief Duspr Robert M. Gregory. "RMG" meant "Rock -
> Marble - Granite" ... a man whose mind once set
> was rarely changed!

His nickname when he was an ATM at Tweedy (South Gate) was Chicken Little.

Posted from Android

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/23 13:03 by SanJoaquinEngr.

Date: 06/02/23 18:29
Re: BEAN TIE UP on the SP!
Author: RetiredHogger

ApproachCircuit Wrote:
> Los Angeles Mar 9 1978
> C&E Extra 8895 East
> Palmdale
> You may take a Bean Yie-up at Los Angeles Yard
> instead of eating Between Mojave and Los Angeles
> Yard.
>         RMG
>                  521PM/J

Was this to be understood as permission, giving the crew the option?

Date: 06/02/23 18:38
Re: BEAN TIE UP on the SP!
Author: WAF

RetiredHogger Wrote:
> ApproachCircuit Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Los Angeles Mar 9 1978
> > C&E Extra 8895 East
> > Palmdale
> >
> > You may take a Bean Yie-up at Los Angeles Yard
> > instead of eating Between Mojave and Los
> Angeles
> > Yard.
> >
> >                               
> >                                
> >         RMG
> >
> >                               
> >                                
> >                  521PM/J
> Was this to be understood as permission, giving
> the crew the option?
I think he is telling them to get their asses into town and take a bean break before tying up ( another hour on the clock)

Date: 06/02/23 20:52
Re: BEAN TIE UP on the SP!
Author: goldcoast

SanJoaquinEngr Wrote:
> JGFuller Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Chief Duspr Robert M. Gregory. "RMG" meant "Rock
> -
> > Marble - Granite" ... a man whose mind once set
> > was rarely changed!
> His nickname when he was an ATM at Tweety was
> Chicken Little.
> Posted from Android

Tweety was Boyce Palmer's nickname.  He was Master Car Repairer, Los Agneles.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/23 21:33 by goldcoast.

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