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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Railroad Signal

Date: 07/23/23 16:42
Railroad Signal
Author: HardYellow

A retired railroad friend bought this in Pennsylvania. It looks like something from an eastern road. Anyone know what type a signal it is. We know it's a semaphore. I'm thinking, the red blade one is an automatic interlocking signal and the yellow one, a distance signal approach to the interlocking.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/23 16:51 by HardYellow.

Date: 07/24/23 08:26
Re: Railroad Signal
Author: AMTRUK

I believe it is British. I'm not sure how they were used. I recall seeing them in the 1960s at the ends of station platforms. I think they were hand operated with a rod coming down the pole. So maybe for train orders, or clearance from the stationmaster to depart.
You might try an inquiry on the international board.


Date: 07/25/23 04:19
Re: Railroad Signal
Author: Corpach

A British upper quadrant signal, interesting to contemplate how one ended up in Pennsylvania.

Date: 07/26/23 22:56
Re: Railroad Signal
Author: Evan_Werkema

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