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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Signal Sunday- Anaconda, Montana

Date: 03/31/24 07:42
Signal Sunday- Anaconda, Montana
Author: GCCIteacher

From a bygone era---. A dwarf signal on the Butte, Anaconda and Pacific just east of Anaconda, Montana

Date: 04/03/24 10:01
Re: Signal Sunday- Anaconda, Montana
Author: tehachcond

That thing looks like it could be totally buried in snow up in that territory.  Thanks for sharing.

Brian Black
Castle Rock, CO

Date: 05/15/24 13:25
Re: Signal Sunday- Anaconda, Montana
Author: steeplecab

If I'm not mistaken, that's at the west end of the BA&P siding at Silver Bow looking west, between Rocker and Durant. In the distance we see the east end of Silver Bow Canyon, where the NP (owned by UP, a long story), the BA&P, and the Milwaukee headed west. The creek through here is Silver Bow Creek, but it soon becomes the Clark Fork River. Most of the mountainous area behind is the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area.

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