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Railroaders' Nostalgia > The Training Engine Goes on a Railfan Photo Trip

Date: 04/15/24 11:01
The Training Engine Goes on a Railfan Photo Trip
Author: spider1319

One of the benefits of working for the railroad was access for photos  at least back in the day.One of my  jobs within my railroad career was operating department instructor.I did rules for new hires, annual rules  and enggineer promotion.Also on the  job training which varied somewhat.My territory included mostly ATSF Coast Lines but not exclusively.One of the better moments for the engineer class was in Richmond ,California where I was doing the 450 class for engineer promotion .The class lasted  a full momth of classroom instruction ,testing and at least one day of actual hands on experience with at least two engines.This consisted of changing ends air brake tests starting and shutting down,etc.I got the idea of taking the consist out of the Richmond Yard to Ferry Point where in addition to the instruction I could take a few pictures along the bay and maybe what was left of  the ferry slip.You had a tunnel to go thru which is used today as a drill track for the west end of Richmond Yard.It has been shortened somewhat and abandoned beyond mp1190.9. Local management oked the idea and just insisted I use a herder to line out and back..I would run the engine to a suitable location for the day of  training without distractions and intreference from other engines or trains.This worked out perfectively for the class and a few pctures.I guess a lot of the slip is still there which surprises me, although much of the track has been removed.Picture number one is our training engine with Point Richmond and the San Francisco Bay in the background in 1993.. The next two pics are of the slip and what I think remains today.Bill Webb 


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/24 12:27 by spider1319.

Date: 04/15/24 11:26
Re: The Training Engine Goes on a Railfan Photo Trip
Author: 3rdswitch


Date: 04/16/24 08:38
Re: The Training Engine Goes on a Railfan Photo Trip
Author: Ritzville

Very interesting series and narrative Bill.


Date: 04/19/24 15:47
Re: The Training Engine Goes on a Railfan Photo Trip
Author: GreenFlag

Interesting photos and story, thanks.

Date: 04/20/24 06:18
Re: The Training Engine Goes on a Railfan Photo Trip
Author: ChrisCampi

I always felt that area and Point Richmond was a hidden gem.

Date: 04/21/24 01:41
Re: The Training Engine Goes on a Railfan Photo Trip
Author: aronco

In the summer of 1971, I worked as a relief assistant trainmaster at Richmond.  Santa Fe was trying to reduce the tug and barge operations between San Francisco and Richmond, but their efforts to do that were being fought by the union representing the tug crews.  One of the two tug crews were still being paid under some oppresive union rule but they were not allowed to leave the dock at China Basin in San Francisco.  As the night TM, I was told to check on that crew often to be certain they were on duty on the tugboat, but they were not to move.  The few cars we had coming inot Richmond for San Francisco (either China Basin or Powell Street (for the state belt railway), were easily handled with one round trip nightly by the other tug & barge.  I made certain to ride across the bay at least twice a week on the working tug to check on the other crew.  That was rough duty but I had to do it!!!


Norman Orfall
Helendale, CA
TIOGA PASS, a private railcar

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