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Date: 05/12/24 16:54
My brother, Dave
Author: santafe199

In early August of 1977 I parked my car in the east platform parking lot at the Santa Fe/Amtrak passenger station in Emporia. KS. I believe it was a Sunday, because there were plenty of parking spaces available. I slung my Nikkormat FT3 around my neck and headed for the Wire Office at the other end of the building. I had learned that I could copy down train line-ups there and could keep tabs on what I might expect to see for any given couple of hours upcoming. Almost literally, at the SE corner of the station I bumped into a guy about my age with a 35mm camera hung around his neck. We both stopped in our tracks. We both smiled. Without any need to use the word railfan, we made our introductions. It was the beginning of one of the greatest friendships I’ve ever had. Yes, and a real brotherhood I never had a chance to have by blood!

David Albin Franz graduated from high school in Fairlawn, NJ. While still in high school he had broken into railfan photography on the New “Joisey” side of the greater NYC metro area. I can’t recall many of the NJ fan/friends he had in those days, but I remember he was acquainted with the late Jim Boyd, who would help launch Railfan Magazine in 1974. In 1972 Dave made his way west to Emporia, KS to go to college. I remember him telling me how cool it was to be moving to a town with 6 daily Amtrak trains. (This was the summer when Amtrak ran extra trains #19 & #20, the “Chief” for about 3 months.) Dave would also take Santa Fe Eastern Division employment stints first as an operator/clerk and later as a switchman. In Emporia he would meet Hutchinson, KS native Dick Humphreys and Newton, KS native Tony Fey, who was also attending college. And Dave would meet newly hired Amtrak station agent/ticket clerk John Arbuckle, another Hutchinson, KS native. Through Tony & John he would meet and befriend long established KS railfans like Bill & Art Gibson, Lloyd Stagner, Lee Berglund, Lynn Aldrich, Allan Ramsey, Harvey Koehn, Dave Webb and so many others. Just in Topeka (through Bill Gibson) Dave came to know a great many NRHS Chapter members. In much the same way John Arbuckle introduced Dave to Wichita NRHS Chapter members. There was an incredibly large fraternity/network of railfans & photographers around Kansas in those years. I came along 5 years later and Dave graciously started bringing me into the same fold. I’m thinking: “Doesn’t every state in the country have a railfan fraternity like this??”

My first real lesson in railfan hierarchy in the Land of OZ came on April 2, 1978. By then I was on my way to employment with the Santa Fe. With a TON of coaching help and encouragement from Dave! On that fateful date he had talked me into taking my first-ever Amtrak train ride from Emporia down to Oklahoma City and return. It was an NRHS-sponsored round-trip on the Lone Star to tour model RR layouts and RR yards in the OKC area. It was on this trip that I met Art Gibson, Jim Wilson, John Arbuckle and quite a few other fans from the Kansas fraternity. ALL of these guys were from parts of Kansas that were deep inside Santa Fe territory. And I was just a kid from UP turf, north of the Kansas River. To be accepted by these guys was quite an honor bestowed upon me! All because of Dave’s graciousness.

In May of 1978 I did get hired by the Santa Fe, into Middle Division train/yard service. Of course Dave had already made the jump from Eastern to Middle Division service, and was 6-7 notches ahead of me in seniority. So now the two of us had RR careers that would become permanently joined at the hip. We were set! We thought... But by 1986 the promise that reaganomics would trickle down became an absolute reality! Working class guys like Dave & I got trickled all over, if ya know what I mean. RR employment with AT&SF was in the toilet. I was losing my house, but was single with no kids. By 1986 Dave had 2 growing kids to feed & clothe and his wife Jeanne was having to work part time. I was vaguely aware that he had snuck up to South Dakota to go to work for shortline Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern. When the end of the line came for my house in 1987, it was Dave who told me how to get hired on with the DM&E. Once again, with his help I was able to follow him up there. This time I was right behind him in seniority. We worked our fannies off all summer! I was so busy working that I didn’t know how much I was hating South Dakota as a place to live. When the wheat rush finally slowed down I had time to look into the rumors of a brand-new start-up RR out in Montana. I made up my mind that I would go all out to catch on with this new outfit called Montana Rail Link, to be based in Missoula.

When the time came with MRL’s projected fall start-up drawing near I secured some time off, loaded my car with extra clothes and “stuff” and headed west into an unknown future. By the time start-up day was a reality I not only got hired, I had hired into the equivalent of about 25 years worth of seniority. The prior BN guys were shunning these new jobs en masse, thinking the UTU was going to save their old jobs. It didn’t happen. When I saw the opportunity I immediately started pestering brother Dave! I was pleading with him to: “Get yer ass out here, NOW!!! You’ll hire right on!” Official start up was October 31. Dave made it out to Missoula by November 4, and did indeed get hired. I felt like I was able to repay my brother after he had helped me twice with career moves. When I got the chance, I grabbed Dave by the shoulders and told him solemnly that this was “our 3rd RR together”. And since I was now ahead of him in seniority: “We’ll be sticking around this one for a while, pal... “ ;^) We worked together for MRL for 23 years because a disability retirement took me out in 2010. Dave retired a few years later. Brothers all the way...

That special, 47 year-long brotherhood ended Friday afternoon at 2:12 PM in Lake County, Montana. In home hospice and surrounded by his loving family, one of the best friends I’ve ever had took his last breath and passed on to a better place. At this point a service has not been announced...

The rogue’s gallery:
1. This scene was taken in the “back o’ the bus” touring the different RR yards. The shady looking characters are (L-R): John Arbuckle seated, Lance Garrels clowning around behind the camera and Dave Franz feeding his face. I swear, that guy could eat a horse and never gain a pound! This is the NRHS sponsored excursion in Oklahoma City, OK on April 2, 1978. We didn’t know it at the time, but fully ½ of the 6-man future KS Gang has been assembled. Damning evidence captured on original Kodachrome by the late William A. Gibson (WAG) Jr, aka “wag216”.

2. Yours truly is working train 326 Q-1. We’re stopped at West Jct in Mulvane, KS to meet an eastbound manifest. I’m on the ground giving a “roll-by inspection”. Rear brakeman D. A. (Dave) Franz is waving at me. Photo date is believed to be March 18, 1981.

3. Passenger Flagman D. A. (Dave) Franz is attending to his duties at the rear end of a very tardy train #4, the “Southwest Limited”. Back in the days when this much tardiness was a rare exception! (NO Am-bashing, please) Photo date: June 4, 1981 in Emporia, KS.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/13/24 06:47 by santafe199.

Date: 05/12/24 16:55
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: santafe199

One more, an image I will always treasure...

4. Back to the NRHS excursion on April 2, 1978. Dave & I took turns shooting each other just before departing Oklahoma City, OK on the Lone Star.

Thanks for 47 great years of friendship & brotherhood!
Lance Garrels

Date: 05/12/24 17:14
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: cozephyr

Wonderful tribute to Dave.  Thanks, Lance.

Date: 05/12/24 17:27
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: Roadmaster

Dave's passing is indeed sad news; I am sorry for your the loss of your friend, Lance. May he rest in peace.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/24 17:28 by Roadmaster.

Date: 05/12/24 18:10
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: Atomicpunk

Sorry for your loss, Lance. Hang in there buddy. 

Date: 05/12/24 18:46
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: usmc1401

One just never knows when the end will come. Over the years a lot of the Train Orders members have passed on. Most I never did meet. But it seems that I knew them through all of the posts over the years. The personnel reflections are great.  Sometimes a email. Just like the Los Angeles TV reporter Sam Ruben that died on Friday. Never did meet him but seems like I knew him for over thirty years on Los Angeles TV.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/24 18:48 by usmc1401.

Date: 05/12/24 19:13
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: atsfer

Great tribute and story, Lance.  The last photo rang the bell for me I remember working with Dave a few times....so sorry he passed not that far into retirement.  

Date: 05/12/24 19:35
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: RetiredHogger

May God speak peace.

Date: 05/12/24 19:48
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: valmont

From your tribute to Dave it's clear that we'd all want a friend like him. I never met Dave but because of you I connected with him and he was exactly as you described and he helped me solve a problem  ... I'm sorry for your loss of a friend ... a brother. .

Date: 05/12/24 21:08
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: Alco251

Have known Dave for 20+ years. What a fine fellow and great family man. His nephew Justin will carry the family name proudly in the railfan world. 

Date: 05/12/24 22:40
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: ATSFSuperChief

An excellent rememberance of your good buddy Dave. Three railroads together and ending up one that stayed dependable for a long time. And yes Reagan economics were not kind to many people in the transportation industries, as mine also took a big economic hit. That is why I am an Independent Registered voter.

Don Allender

Date: 05/13/24 02:38
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: mp51w

That was a nice tribute Lance.  That's quite the life you shared together!
Sorry for your loss.

Date: 05/13/24 04:44
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: gcm

Lance, what a great tribute.
We should all be so lucky to have a friend like Dave.

Date: 05/13/24 05:23
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: KimHeusel

Great tribute Lance. Sorry for your loss.

Kim Heusel

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/14/24 07:08 by KimHeusel.

Date: 05/13/24 06:49
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: MILW86A

What a great tribute Lance. 
I know he had a high green to heaven. 
RIP Dave

Date: 05/13/24 07:43
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: 3rdswitch

Very nice tribute. Sincere condolences.

Date: 05/13/24 08:43
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: spider1319

A very nice tribute with great images . The narration is great and your loyalty to Dave shows. Thanks for posting this fine piece. I know Dave and I can attest this is an accurate tribute.Thanks again. Bill Webb

Date: 05/13/24 08:54
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: Ritzville

Excellent tribute to your life long brother! He will be dearly missed!


Date: 05/13/24 09:02
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: xrds72

Nice rememberance of your close friend

Date: 05/13/24 12:01
Re: My brother, Dave
Author: Locoinsp

A very nice tribute! My condolences to you, his family and his many friends!

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