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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Sears KansasDate: 06/21/24 13:36 Sears Kansas Author: waycar45 There used to be a Santa Fe #1 mainline depot located at Sears a long time ago. When built it had the large interlocker bay window. When the Santa Fe was done with the manual control interlocker the Sears depot was moved. This depot was then relocated to Alexander Kansas on the Scott City branch just west of Great Bend Kansas. I have seen photos of the former Sears depot still with the interlocker bay in place. I never understood why there was an interlocker bay on a 125 mile long branch line like the Scott City branch until I learned wher it came from west of Dodge. Over time the Santa Fe B&B guys removed the interlocker bay and used two of the windows where the bay used to be located.
Waycar45 Date: 08/11/24 21:11 Re: Sears Kansas Author: rrman6 Do you have any photos you might be willing to post of the depot prior to removal of the interlocker bay?
Frank Obrien, the retired former AT&SF agent/operator here in my hometown of Lewis, KS, I believe was raised in the Alexander area and once worked as the agency operator at Alexander. Frank is nearly blind now and in his upper 90's, but he manages to walk 4 laps daily on the local school track before finding his 1 block walk back to his home. |