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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Who do I contact

Date: 02/01/25 09:14
Who do I contact
Author: ns2557

I'm trying to get information about my Grand Fathers Railroad Employment history. He worked for the Pennsylvania RR on the Eastern Region. At time the he retired he was the #1 Conductor at the time on this part of the RR. He held down the Conductors position on the Broadway Limited on it's run from NY Penn Station to Harrisburg Pa. I recall many a time either picking him up at HBG Station after one of trips with my Grand Mother. I have been led to believe that if I contact the RRB seeking such info, they should be able to assist me with this. Or is there another means to obtain this info? And if indeed it's the RRB, who at that office do I contact? Have looked at the RRB Web Site and really can't seem to find anything in regards to where I might be able to get such info. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks. Ben 

Date: 02/01/25 17:57
Re: Who do I contact
Author: SanJoaquinEngr

I doubt if RRT will help because of privacy issues. The Pennsy has been out of business for over 60 years and probably any personnel records were probably destroyed by now.

Posted from Android

Date: 02/02/25 07:09
Re: Who do I contact
Author: SFV-Dave


Railroad Retirement Board gave all their records to the National Archive. Contact them.


Date: 02/04/25 14:48
Re: Who do I contact
Author: wabash2800

Good to know, David, that they are now at the National Archives, I contacted the RRB some years ago and they provided me detailed records for someone I was researching. At the time you were supposed to be related to the individual. I don't know if that is different with the NA.

Victor Baird

SFV-Dave Wrote:
> Greetings,
> Railroad Retirement Board gave all their records
> to the National Archive. Contact them.
> https://www.archives.gov/atlanta/public/railroad-r
> etirement-board-records
> Regards
> David 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 16:24 by wabash2800.

Date: 02/04/25 20:13
Re: Who do I contact
Author: OHCR1551

You might try Altoona. It's random, but as is fitting for Railroaders' Memorial Museum, they have a voluntary registry.

Another thing that might help if you can do old newspaper research: find his retirement and work backwards. You might find any awards, significant incidents, ets.

Rebecca Morgan
Jacobsburg, OH

Date: 02/05/25 12:59
Re: Who do I contact
Author: wabash2800

The RRB records are going to have the most detailed employment history. The one I had even provided information on the railroader's spouse. (Both were deceased at the time I had access.)

If you can get access to seniority rosters, they can be very interesting. They will show craft, employment date, promotion dates and rank in seniority. Often these were published by division and sometimes district. They would have been published by the RR, required by the unions. and often printed in time-books. They exist in historical society and private collections.

Victor Baird

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/25 13:05 by wabash2800.

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