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Eastern Railroad Discussion > SP locos on sandpatch cam 9:41am

Date: 05/08/07 13:43
SP locos on sandpatch cam 9:41am
Author: bert14

Would it be considered rare for two Southern Pacific locos still be
pulling some hoppers on SP Cam at 9:41am?
Also, when did SP merge with Union Pacific? Thanks

Date: 05/08/07 14:06
Re: SP locos on sandpatch cam 9:41am
Author: Freddy

EO65 was the symbol.

Date: 05/08/07 14:15
Re: SP locos on sandpatch cam 9:41am
Author: stevelv

bert14 Wrote:
> Would it be considered rare for two Southern
> Pacific locos still be
> pulling some hoppers on SP Cam at 9:41am?
> Also, when did SP merge with Union Pacific? Thanks

Yes it's kind of rare even on UP to see two SP units pulling a train. It was nice to see on the SP cam even though the first one was patched. UP took over SP in 1996.

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