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Eastern Railroad Discussion > BNSF on the Ohio Central

Date: 09/07/08 18:57
BNSF on the Ohio Central
Author: wheel_slip

Last weekend I was able to catch a "different" consist traveling over the Ohio Central... These two BNSF locomotives followed by a OC C30-7 leading an eastbound Norfolk Southern hopper train out of Columbus. These NS trains are a daily occurrence nowadays, but BNSF power on the OC is a treat.


Date: 09/08/08 07:58
Re: BNSF on the Ohio Central
Author: dbrcnw

Nice shot.

I caught other BNSF power on one of those trains several weeks ago. BNSF also turns up frequently on the WLE into/out of Mingo Junction (actually Rayland south of Mingo) on run through Powder River Coal.

BNSF also shows up on NS in Mingo Yard when Powder River coal equipment is being turned to return west via the NS Bayard Branch.


Date: 09/08/08 11:31
Re: BNSF on the Ohio Central
Author: mc5725

One would think that the OC would have its own steady supply of orange and black power in the not-too-distant future...


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