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Eastern Railroad Discussion > CSX Spirit of Dante #391

Date: 11/06/00 15:00
CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: robby

Here is the second "rumor" I can put to rest. This is a shot of CSX 391 leading a Rapid Load Shifter down the E&BV Sub near Kite, KY on a rainy day. Sorry but there is no close up as I was busy chasing this train on it's way to a three way meet at Bates Branch. Look hard, the Spirit of Dante is visible on her nose............


Date: 11/06/00 16:11
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: kntower

Thanks, Robby ... for this and "Spirit of the Clinchfield." Although I haven't seen either one, I DID see "Spirit of Magnolia" and someone else reported seeing it this weekend too.

Unfortunately some people on this board have adopted a "no picture, no truth" philosophy, which is sad for people who don't take pictures when there's no light, or who don't have slide scanners, or who just don't take pictures much at all.

I'm glad you were able to prove with film what our eyes have seen. I know that you, myself, and the others who reported these units have nothing to gain and everything to lose by posting false information.

Thanks again for setting the doubters...or doubter...straight.

KN Tower

Date: 11/06/00 16:28
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: Replica

Nice photos Robby....though they look a bit fishy.

One would think that #295 would read "The Spirit of Clinchfield" just like #700 and "The Spirit of Cumberland" not "Spirit of the Clinchfield".
The different angles and spacing also look odd between the two 'new' Spirit units too.

Someone has to be the critic and non-believer KN, just found it hard to believe that with all the sightings nobody had a photo to share.

Date: 11/06/00 19:08
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: XNJ

Yo Replica
Everyone knows that there wasn't a town named "Clinchfield" so to name it as such would be stupid, but to reflect the history of a awesome piece of mountain RR with the new spirit on 391 is awesome!
You need to chill out and be happy that CSX reflects on it's heritage with these logos.
Way to go CSX!


Date: 11/06/00 22:40
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: clinchfield3000

Hey Jon,
Check your Virginia Map. There is a CLinchfield Va. Its on an ex Clinchfield Branch that was sold to the N&W in the 50`s I believe.

Michael Ridenhour

Date: 11/07/00 00:09
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: Kevin-D


The variances in style and size make it look like a little backwoods creativity rather than something officially sanctioned and formally applied by the railroad.

The lack of consistancy in size and orientation, beginning with the WV one, makes them suspect. Sounds to me like the "how to" has spread around the system....and the CC&O boys got a little carried away with those directions....

Date: 11/07/00 11:53
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: XNJ

My mistake Michael :(
Thanks for pointing it out.


Hey Jon,
Check your Virginia Map. There is a CLinchfield Va. Its on an ex Clinchfield Branch that
was sold to the N&W in the 50`s I believe.

Michael Ridenhour

Date: 11/08/00 19:19
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: csxt4290

Looks like this was lettered by a graphics program like Photoshop. I don't belive this. Where is Dante, anyway and what significance does it have? Theres no way CSX did this. You must've altered the image of the blank engine to make it look like you saw it.


Date: 11/10/00 15:58
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: robby

Yea, right, that's what I did. You caught me, I spend all my time making up fake "Spirit" engines to post on TO because my life is so boring and I love the excitment such "rumors" stir. Let's see, I have a Nikon LS2000, Compaq Athlon 900, 21" monitor and a whole collection of Canon goodies so I have the equipment. I have three engineering degrees so I have the technical background. I was once arrested for going 105 in a 55 during rush hour on I-95 in Miami so I guess I'm a criminal and I was engaged three times before saying "I DO" so I know at least a few people who would call me a liar. There you have it..................

BTW, Dante was the old mine run yard for the Clinchfield..

Seriously, if you have doubts, you are invited to lovely Georgetown, KY where we can spend all evening looking at non-faked slides. Just drop me a line before stopping in.


Date: 11/11/00 19:37
RE: CSX Spirit of Dante #391
Author: Phil_Adoob

Robby, No sweat here. I think it would be pretty difficult to do something like that in Photoshop. Hell the lighting, or lack of on those photos would be a challenge.

Did you happen to see any of the other Spirit Locos when you were out on your trip? You seem to be the only one with photos.

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