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Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS heritage loco delivery timeframe

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Date: 03/01/12 07:09
NS heritage loco delivery timeframe
Author: perf4strivection

An announcement by NS today has information on the 18 NS heritage locomotives delivery schedule - March to June 1, 2012.

full text at - http://finance.yahoo.com/news/norfolk-southern-celebrates-colorful-heritage-144500590.html


partial excerpt - NORFOLK, Va., March 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC - News) is honoring its predecessor railroads during 2012, its 30th anniversary year, by painting 18 new locomotives in commemorative schemes that reflect the heritage of those predecessors.

Since the 1820s, hundreds of railroad companies were built, merged, reorganized, and consolidated into what eventually became Norfolk Southern, itself created from the consolidation of Southern Railway and Norfolk and Western Railway in 1982. In 1999, Norfolk Southern expanded the scope of its heritage with its acquisition of a portion of Conrail. The heritage locomotives will represent most of the railroads that played significant roles in Norfolk Southern's history. The first units will be delivered in March, and all units are expected to be riding the rails by June 1, Norfolk Southern's 30th anniversary date.

"The heritage locomotives reflect the pride we take in our long and colorful history," said Norfolk Southern CEO Wick Moorman. "As they travel through our system, these state-of-the-art units in vintage livery will serve as reminders to our customers, employees, and communities that the modern rail network that keeps America competitive today and into the future has deep roots in the nation's past."

Date: 03/01/12 07:22
Re: NS heritage loco delivery timeframe
Author: P


Date: 03/01/12 07:17
official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: ts1457

Here is the link:


If you drill down in the link above, you can find the link, but might as well save the trouble.

NS is doing the original NS - wow!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/12 07:24 by ts1457.

Date: 03/01/12 07:26
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: P

While overall, this is exciting, I am disappointed in the N&W scheme. I vividly remember the classic black with the large NW on freight equipment when I was a kid and was hoping to see that revived. I suppose the blue hamburger scheme must have preceded the black scheme?

In any case, can't wait to see them hitting the rails.

Date: 03/01/12 07:37
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: ts1457

P Wrote:
> While overall, this is exciting, I am disappointed
> in the N&W scheme. I vividly remember the
> classic black with the large NW on freight
> equipment when I was a kid and was hoping to see
> that revived. I suppose the blue hamburger scheme
> must have preceded the black scheme?
> In any case, can't wait to see them hitting the
> rails.

Hate to be critical when NS is doing something nice, but I agree about the heritage N&W. Wabash is getting its own scheme. The blue N&W represents the corruption of the N&W paint scheme by the Wabasher's. They damn near did the railroad in, until John Fishwick took over and restore the balance sheet and a black paint scheme.

Date: 03/01/12 07:40
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: MDH

Sad, but not really surprised to see the P&WV scheme drop off the list. Now most looking forward to the NKP & WAB ones although I'd love to see any/all of them. How awesome would it be to see the NYC & Conrail ones teamed up on a hot van train on the waterlevel?

Date: 03/01/12 07:43
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: florida581

Looks like a few changes from the other week's heritage announcement. Out: EL, TAG, NH, and P&WV. In: DL&W, Illinois Terminal, Interstate, and original NS. The schemes look great! Can't wait to see them out on the rails!


Posted from iPhone

Date: 03/01/12 07:43
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: rfprr1

Not sure why the NS would do the Erie two-tone green scheme instead of the black with gold wings.
The Erie green units were for passenger service originally. Being that NS is a freight hauler, I would have thought they'd go with the Erie's freight scheme.

Still, I applaud the NS for honoring their heritage. Can CSX be far behind?


Date: 03/01/12 07:46
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: Chooch

I bet all the model railroad locomotive manufacturers are scrambling to get their new tooling ready.


Date: 03/01/12 07:53
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: hdralleiii

florida581 Wrote:
> Looks like a few changes from the other week's
> heritage announcement. Out: EL, TAG, NH, and
> P&WV. In: DL&W, Illinois Terminal, Interstate,
> and original NS. The schemes look great! Can't
> wait to see them out on the rails!
> Andrew
> Posted from iPhone

No surprise since what was circulated previously was not an offical release. It was developed by folks that thought they had the entire scoop...

Date: 03/01/12 08:01
Re: NS heritage loco delivery timeframe
Author: jmbreitigan

Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see these units.

Date: 03/01/12 08:02
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: stevelv

Can't wait for these units to come out for 2 reasons. One is I'll be back east for a few weeks this summer and hopefully in my 4 day stay in Cresson I'll see at least one of them. Two, I can't wait to see this board pop with photos when they start releasing them. Seeing how people go ape-sh*t over the UP fake heritage units I'm sure there's going be twice as much interest when NS comes out with real ones.

Date: 03/01/12 08:07
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: njmidland

It's nice that so many of them look "right". The Reading, Lehigh Valley, and Lackawanna all look like I would think they should. While CNJ and NKP are "correct" I would imagine they would have simplified them if they were around today.


Date: 03/01/12 08:26
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: richs

rfprr Wrote:

> Still, I applaud the NS for honoring their
> heritage. Can CSX be far behind?
> rfprr

NO.. rumor has it CSX wanted to see NS's "hand" before disclosing their line up. And I might add...according to my source... "will kick some a**"
BUT...This rumor source has been wrong before.

Date: 03/01/12 08:38
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: RNinRVR

Will be interesting to see what CSX does with PRR and NYC since both companies share these as heritage.

Sharon Evans
Glen Allen, VA

Date: 03/01/12 08:39
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: Bath_wildcat

Guess my contact was a little off, but He did say he had not hears anything. I e-mailed him the info on these and now I am really excited because of the NKP and Conrail ones. Now to figure out the NS lines down here to nail these units.

Date: 03/01/12 08:47
Re: NS heritage loco delivery timeframe
Author: NSDash9

The first four NS GE ES44AC's for 2012 have been delivered from GE. NS 8092, 8093, 8094 and 8095 were all delivered in primer and will be painted by NS in heritage schemes. I haven't yet heard what units will get what paint scheme.

Chris Toth

Date: 03/01/12 08:58
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: NebraskaZephyr

I am really pleased with the chsnges to the heritage list.

EL pretty much adopted the DL&W scheme, so we still get to see the paint scheme while honoring another predecessor. Interstate is a really colorful scheme that will grab a lot of attention, as is Illinois Terminal (yay!! I can't wait to see this one!!). And the oversight of the original Norfolk Southern has been corrected.

Notice the GEs will be painted in-house by NS shops. Nice that the employees in Altoona and Chattanooga will get to paint the schemes reflecting their own heritage. Classy move.


Date: 03/01/12 09:06
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: toledopatch

florida581 Wrote:
> Looks like a few changes from the other week's
> heritage announcement. Out: EL, TAG, NH, and
> P&WV. In: DL&W, Illinois Terminal, Interstate,
> and original NS. The schemes look great! Can't
> wait to see them out on the rails!

Also, Penn Central is gone and Jersey Central is in.

I thought CNJ, ITC, and original NS were the biggest omissions from the previous list. Interstate fans also are happy now. DLW instead of EL also makes sense, considering Erie also is being done.

As for choice of schemes, note that Erie in green isn't the only "passenger" scheme in the plan. So is PRR tuscan red, for starters. Doesn't bother me a bit -- there's plenty of black on the railroad already. And while I personally liked the block "NW" herald, there are a lot of folks who thought the overall paint scheme was dreadful.

Date: 03/01/12 09:12
Re: official NS heritage paint schemes out
Author: chessiegp39

Are they all going to be GE's? Or was it just speculation that some of the units were to be EMD's?
And I can't wait until I see the CNJ unit in person. VERY SWEET!!!!!! Many thanks goes out to NS for doing these units.


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