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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars

Date: 05/22/12 09:28
Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: psrujak

Date: 05/22/12 09:41
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: MrMichael

At least these guys got caught - too many just get away with it.

Does the railroad get to throw rocks at them now?

Posted from iPhone

Date: 05/22/12 10:26
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: MEKoch

Actually a wise judge would give them 200 hours of community service, working for this group who owns the cars.

Date: 05/22/12 11:36
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: hartrick24

I can hear the parents now "My Baby Never Would Do That"

Date: 05/22/12 12:25
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: Tominde

Sadly in too many cases, if restitution is ordered the individuals have no job or any means to make the restitution. Perhaps with the 14 year old, the parents may be required to help pay up. Some courts and jurisdictions have the ability to garnish wages, present or future. Laws and judges are different everywhere. Should the judge assign community service the car owners are still out the bucks for the windows.

Date: 05/22/12 12:31
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: andersonb109

Forget the community service. Lock um up.

Date: 05/22/12 12:38
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: Lackawanna484

andersonb109 Wrote:
> Forget the community service. Lock um up.

or, chain them up and make them clean the sides of roads, picking up the garbage, waste, etc. Getting up at 6am and getting to work might be a useful experience.

Date: 05/22/12 14:12
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: CR6444

I would rather for them to change 400 ties themselves.. brutally hard work...shovel off ballast, remove decayed ties and slide new ones in... Now thats community service...

Date: 05/22/12 15:47
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: africansteam

They need to make right. They should be required to remove and clean up the broken glass inside and out, and buy new glass and install it under the supervision of a person who knows the proper installation procedure, while also being guarded by a local police officer. They would be required to pay the salaries of both individuals over the course of the repairs and clean-up.


Date: 05/22/12 16:24
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: swampfox

CR6444 Wrote:
> I would rather for them to change 400 ties
> themselves.. brutally hard work...shovel off
> ballast, remove decayed ties and slide new ones
> in... Now thats community service...

used to think the same way, but realized the union based section gangs would time-slip.......

Date: 05/22/12 20:15
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: im_trainman

The railroad down there is non union, and could use some new ties nonetheless. Id also say the guys in a class 1's union would gladly let them boys take 400 ties out of the 1 point some odd million ties an average class 1 railroad installs in a year. Plus its fun watching an inexperienced person nip up a tie with a lining bar, or use a spike maul for the first time. ;-)

swampfox Wrote:
> CR6444 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I would rather for them to change 400 ties
> > themselves.. brutally hard work...shovel off
> > ballast, remove decayed ties and slide new ones
> > in... Now thats community service...
> used to think the same way, but realized the union
> based section gangs would time-slip.......

Posted from Android

Date: 05/23/12 02:33
Re: Teens admit vandalizing historic train cars
Author: Heath_Tower

Tominde Wrote:
> Sadly in too many cases, if restitution is ordered
> the individuals have no job or any means to make
> the restitution. Perhaps with the 14 year old,
> the parents may be required to help pay up. Some
> courts and jurisdictions have the ability to
> garnish wages, present or future. Laws and
> judges are different everywhere. Should the
> judge assign community service the car owners are
> still out the bucks for the windows.

From what I've observed in Ohio (where the crime occurred) court ordered restitution
or garnishments are handed down occasionally at best (I grew up there and return to
visit every so often).

It's different in Indiana. One railroad case I'm aware of is: 20 years ago or so, some
cretins put a car on the tracks within the city of Elkhart, which was struck by a Conrail
train. No derailment, but there was damage to the lead engine. The person(s)
received a court ordered mandate to pay $25000.00 to Conrail for equipment

I never did read any more information about this incident, or whether Conrail ever
received any $$$$.

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