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Eastern Railroad Discussion > T-Day Feast

Date: 12/02/02 16:27
T-Day Feast
Author: robbennett

While most normal people were getting ready to watch football and eat copious amounts of bird, the snow lured me outside. Seen here are some of the results of my "Turkey Hunt". First, Q351 rips west in a lake effect squall. Next, NS 145 is seen rounding the curve at MP105, just west of Girard, PA. After the 145, I was heading home and heard the Q380 hit the DED at Springfield. I gingerly pulled off RT 5 to get a shot from the bridge. Then it was home to a fire, a few brews, and my good pal Tom...

Date: 12/02/02 16:40
Re: T-Day Feast
Author: sp8192


Date: 12/02/02 17:04
Re: T-Day Feast
Author: trainfish

Spectacular shots! I really like that first one.

Date: 12/02/02 17:07
Re: T-Day Feast
Author: JET


Quit hoarding all of the snow, a few of us in the midwest would love to have some. Nice phots by the way, they sure convey the season.


Date: 12/02/02 20:42
Re: T-Day Feast
Author: WhiskeySCharlie

VERY cool shots. I'm ready for a mug of hot coacoa.


Date: 12/03/02 06:14
Re: T-Day Feast
Author: RobR

Very nice shots!

I've been getting the impression that digital cameras generally outperform film (slide or negative) in low light. Is that correct? How fast was that first train moving and was the camera mounted on a tripod?


Date: 12/03/02 07:53
Re: T-Day Feast
Author: itstrue911

great shots rob,hope to see ya or some others from erie over xmas break when i foam down there sometime for a day.


Date: 12/03/02 08:02
Re: T-Day Feast
Author: ddavies

Not yet, but they are close. The SLOWEST speed of my D1 is 200 :-) Which means I can go to 400 with less loss than when going from 64 to 400 with slides.

Date: 12/03/02 09:24
Re: RobR
Author: robbennett

These photos were taken with a Canon EOS 3 and Provia-F slide film, scanned on an HP PhotoSmart II. The shot of the Q351 was taken at 8:30am, using a 70-200 f2.8L lens. Exposure was 250f2.8. I think it turned out okay for being wide open. I used a monopod (always do when using the 70-200).

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