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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Hey Deshler - EB G686 with CP'sDate: 01/09/03 08:51 Hey Deshler - EB G686 with CP's Author: fdfrisch Heads up Deshler! Eastbound CSX grain train G686 left Garrett at 1130 with a pair of CP SD40-2\'s - 5751 & 5720. Engineer is Artie. Should be behind Q110 w CSX 728 and E492 w CSX 245.
FDFrisch Date: 01/09/03 09:04 Re: Hey Deshler - EB G686 with CP's Author: ConrailTV-6 Train is going to Athens,Ga via Lima, Cincinnati and Etowah. Called at Lima for 2:30pm.
Date: 01/09/03 10:41 By CG Tower Author: cgtower Show him by CG Tower at 1342.
Looks like a good Lima call. 73\'s CG Date: 01/09/03 12:24 Re: By CG Tower Author: toledopatch Darn! I was in Deshler until after Q110 went by, but I didn\'t know this guy was behind him and I left....
Date: 01/09/03 12:34 Re: Hey Deshler - EB G686 with CP's Author: NYCSTL8 Show him by AK at 15:30. Wapak out
Date: 01/09/03 13:27 Re: Hey Deshler - EB G686 with CP's Author: NYCSTL8 And, Q242 is whistlin\' thru Wapak at 16:25. Sounds good, but not as melodious as those CP\'s were on the grain hauler. Now, what time does the "Cincinnatian" head south? Wapak out..
Date: 01/09/03 18:28 What I saw @ 1300 Author: DeshlerRailfan From home of course. So could you, if you had ATCS and an internet access. Yep, I\'m feeding live now. Email me for details.
Too bad I missed Uncle Artie. What the heck was he doing up so early anyways. At least he didn\'t have to stop for water, unlike Labor Day on K188. Hey \'patch that\'s Q110 at Godsend. Did you miss the WB and NB just after Q110 too? DRF ![]() Date: 01/09/03 19:25 Re: What I saw Author: toledopatch I was at Deshler for Q138, Q384?, Q110, Q245, the northbound K-train (K598?) and S161. I bailed after S161 went through because I needed to start heading home -- though had I known what was still coming east I could have stuck around long enough to see it.
As it was, I shot in North Baltimore the eastbound hopper train with CSXT245/72 that was a ways behind Q110, and while I was doing that I heard the DS tell what turned out to be the grainer that he would get him right around the corner. I only caught a partial symbol and thought it might be Q336 going around the NW quadrant. Even if I had heard the symbol correctly, I was by then too far to get back to Deshler in time to see the grain train. |