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Eastern Railroad Discussion > NJ - CSX Oradell reservoir bridge to be replaced

Date: 06/04/15 12:32
NJ - CSX Oradell reservoir bridge to be replaced
Author: Lackawanna484

The Bergen NJ Record has an update on this issue. CSX's small bridge over the throat of this reservoir has been a flash point for discussions about oil trains in the densely populated northeast of NJ. According to FOIA reports, the federal government has determined the bridge is in much worse shape than CSX's inspections stated. And the bridge will be replaced. In the meanwhile, CSX has cut the speed over the bridge and in the immediate area.

This calls into question the integrity of  CSX's inspections of other bridges, too.  According to the original article, the state and feds had no records of inspecting the bridge. CSX stated the bridge was safe. two days later, the feds inspected and found numerous flaws.  The report was not released to the newspaper until nearly two months after requesting.

If I was Andrew Cuomo, and I saw this article, I have my people out inspecting every rail bridge in NY used by oil or ethanol or haz-mat within an hour. With a federal inspector if that's what is needed.

More work needed

Date: 06/04/15 12:51
Re: NJ - CSX Oradell reservoir bridge to be replaced
Author: RichM

Probably more political nonsense... The "bridge" can be seen from Schraalenburgh Road on the Harrington Park-Closter border, and may be fifty feet long, if there's a lot of slack in the tape.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/15 14:05 by RichM.

Date: 06/04/15 16:44
Re: NJ - CSX Oradell reservoir bridge to be replaced
Author: Lackawanna484

RichM Wrote:
> Probably more political nonsense... The "bridge"
> can be seen from Schraalenburgh Road on the
> Harrington Park-Closter border, and may be fifty
> feet long, if there's a lot of slack in the tape.

"Political nonsense" in the sense the feds did a lousy inspection?

I'm more concerned that CSX has made multiple incorrect statements in what's already a very sensitive situation.  Giving aid and comfort to people who already see you as duplicitous is rarely a good move.

Date: 06/04/15 17:00
Re: NJ - CSX Oradell reservoir bridge to be replaced
Author: RichM

No, Political nonsense by creating a tempest in a teacup. There are probably twelve-fifteen short spans the same age between Overpeck and Kingston. Although I can't fault your comment on CSX's muffing the response. All true.

But I doubt there's anything wrong with the bridge, although they may have painted themselves in a box. As long as they can get a crane in there, they can probably pop it out and replace it over a weekend. Prefab.

Date: 06/04/15 17:11
Re: NJ - CSX Oradell reservoir bridge to be replaced
Author: Lackawanna484

OK, we're in agreement.


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