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Eastern Railroad Discussion > NJ Senate to vote on new oil train rules

Date: 06/16/15 05:24
NJ Senate to vote on new oil train rules
Author: Lackawanna484

Bergen Record reports on a series of new proposed rules that would apply to haz-mat trains. They cover structural issues like filing bridge inspection reports with the state, having in place clean up protocols and coordination with local fire departments, etc. Some of the proposals appear to violate federal law (like some scheduling info) while others are intended to be a thorn to the Governor (such as info he has refused to release to local firefighters).  Although the bill is likely to pass the full Senate, its ultimate impact is likely to be dim.

Politics as usual


Date: 06/17/15 00:08
Re: NJ Senate to vote on new oil train rules
Author: esprrfan

Grandstanding for re election. Looky here even though they already have this in place I want you to think I made this happen so you vote for me again

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