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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Radnor Yard in Nashville

Date: 11/10/17 15:16
Radnor Yard in Nashville
Author: BrianA

Last June I went to Nashville to rode the Tennessee Central passenger train and was able to photograph some CSX at Radnor Yard the day before 6-9-17. I know this train is probably northbound but am curious as to where it may be headed. I saw one route curved off to the right while this train was going straight north. Any ideas of where it was headed?

Brian Ambrose
Renton, WA

Date: 11/10/17 16:22
Re: Radnor Yard in Nashville
Author: SPMemphisFreight

Well, if it stayed on the left hand track it's either going to Evansville, Louisville or Memphis.

Date: 11/10/17 19:45
Re: Radnor Yard in Nashville
Author: BrianA

Thanks, I was wondering where the line went after leaving Nashville.


Date: 11/11/17 07:25
Re: Radnor Yard in Nashville
Author: SPMemphisFreight

There's a wye junction just north of your location (Melrose) where the old NC&SL main line comes into town. Northwest wye goes over on a bridge to connect on the north side to that main, the southeast wye drops down off the right hand track and connects with it on the south side, and the two mains in your pic go north on the old L&N Radnor cutoff line over the Cumberland River to connect back with the downtown main near Maplewood. I always thought Nashville was a cool spot for trains despite the lack of Class 1 variety. Everything seems to converge there (just like all the interstates--we used to call it "Smashville").

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