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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Where are the go to spots in Birmingham,AL?

Date: 10/16/18 10:51
Where are the go to spots in Birmingham,AL?
Author: 611Fan

I want to see BNSF , espically the transfer/yard jobs . I have been to Irondale before . I have been inside Norris yard to see them hump cars before . 

Date: 10/16/18 17:08
Re: Where are the go to spots in Birmingham,AL?
Author: SD608708

Check BNSF out off of Finley Ave. Be careful.

Paul B
Canton, GA

Date: 10/17/18 04:35
Re: Where are the go to spots in Birmingham,AL?
Author: CFI_85

Go to 32nd Street, you can catch the BNSF Transfer there that works the interchange yard with NS. There is even a new bar/eatery within view of the tracks there so you can eat and not miss any action. The time varies as to when that BNSF transfer will show up. It could be in the morning or at night, I’ve seen it happen at either time.

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