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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus

Date: 12/02/21 18:58
Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus
Author: pt199

http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/3e5706924b99c2e99ef1f023069802e9?s=50&d=identicon&r=GWarehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Propertyby csanders429

 A Dallas industrial real estate company had acquired 406 acres from Norfolk Southern in the former Buckeye Yard in Columbus.
The company, Xebec, plans to use the property to create a warehouse complex to be served by rail.

Date: 12/02/21 20:40
Re: Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus
Author: P

It's kind of jarring to hear something like this. To see such large rail infrastructure disappear for good.

Posted from Android

Date: 12/02/21 21:37
Re: Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus
Author: cabsignaldrop

Agreed. Wasn't Buckeye Yard one of the first yards Penn Central modernized after the merger? Sad to see it now.

P Wrote:
> It's kind of jarring to hear something like this.
> To see such large rail infrastructure disappear
> for good.
> Posted from Android

Date: 12/03/21 08:46
Re: Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus
Author: bluesboyst

cabsignaldrop Wrote:
> Agreed. Wasn't Buckeye Yard one of the first yards
> Penn Central modernized after the merger? Sad to
> see it now.
> P Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's kind of jarring to hear something like
> this.
> > To see such large rail infrastructure disappear
> > for good.
> >
> > Posted from Android

Yes built in 1970 to replace yards in downtown Columbus... very sad....

Date: 12/03/21 10:53
Re: Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus
Author: MEKoch

The BIG railroads do not want yards at all.  They are only necessary evils.  They want solid trains of one commodity to operate long distances over their railroad = no yards needed.  

Date: 12/03/21 11:20
Re: Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus
Author: tmaher

I spent the last 6 or 7 years of a 38 year plus railroad carear working at Buckeye Yard!  I retired from the M/W department January 2014. The hump was shut down a year or two prior to my departure. 

Date: 12/03/21 14:30
Re: Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus
Author: ns cp-182

 It was a no brainer that NS bulldozed the Buckeye yard as Columbus  Oh. is distribution capitol in the Midwest, when shutdown some years back developers were calling NS as west belt distribution was well development many years back. My question is EPA issues on fueling dock area on soil contamination recovery is underway at that area as big deal now days???  NS taken over CR it was done deal for shutting down Buckeye years back only some 100 miles north at Bellevue Another closed hump with PSR DUH?????????????????. The only two tracks will remain be the east runner for future Honda interchange between NS and CS and the west runner will maintainer future rail service required warehousing.  Memories galore with PC and CR....

Date: 12/04/21 07:05
Re: Warehouses Planned for Buckeye Yard Columbus
Author: kjmk

I had a funny Buckeye Yards experience back in the 1970s. I was at the AT&T training center in Dublin (Ohio), during the summer, and one night after class I went to check out the yard. Parked my car at the end of an overpass that went over the yard. As I recall it was a semi-rural area. As I was walking along I heard a car slow down behind me and thought "I'm in trouble...". Nope. It was a family asking if I was OK. They thought I might have had a breakdown and needed help. Quite a surprise to a guy from NJ.

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