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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?

Date: 12/01/22 08:34
Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?
Author: Darthsimpletext

I032 or I030 the Xmas train?

Both are pretty high priority, but which one would make make a dispater DEMAND that the railroad be clear of slow freights when going up his railroad?


Date: 12/01/22 13:18
Re: Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?
Author: shadetree

Chiefs are the cause of Dispatcher's anxiety.  And peak season.


Date: 12/01/22 13:56
Re: Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?
Author: Typhoon


Date: 12/01/22 14:52
Re: Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?
Author: Darthsimpletext

Is that the superindendent or trainmaster?


Date: 12/01/22 14:58
Re: Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?
Author: Englewood

Darthsimpletext Wrote:
> which one would
> make make a dispater DEMAND that the railroad be
> clear of slow freights when going up his
> railroad?
> nick

Who is the DS going to make this demand to?


Date: 12/01/22 15:19
Re: Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?
Author: OHRY

Darthsimpletext Wrote:
> Is that the superindendent or trainmaster?
> nick

Neither. Chief Dispatcher.

Posted from Android

Date: 12/01/22 15:22
Re: Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?
Author: OHRY

Englewood Wrote:
> Darthsimpletext Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > which one would
> > make make a dispater DEMAND that the railroad
> be
> > clear of slow freights when going up his
> > railroad?
> >
> > nick
> Who is the DS going to make this demand to?

I think it goes back to the old saying about wishing in one hand.....

Posted from Android

Date: 12/13/22 19:51
Re: Which CSX intermodal train causes more dispatcher anxiety?
Author: RF-NOCOM

shadetree Wrote:
> Chiefs are the cause of Dispatcher's anxiety. 
> And peak season.
> Eng.Shadetree

Until Network Ops chimes in, they're always full of good decisions. 

You're always going track speed with RF-NOCOM!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/22 19:54 by RF-NOCOM.

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