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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Ramsey, Illinois tower

Date: 01/22/23 15:42
Ramsey, Illinois tower
Author: trainnut7

Does anybody know is this tower is still standing or as it been demolished?  If it was demolished about what year?  
Thx in advance.  James 

Date: 01/22/23 15:51
Re: Ramsey, Illinois tower
Author: jd11

As of last summer, still there. Has NKP caboose and IC box car along side.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/23 17:15 by jd11.

Date: 01/22/23 19:17
Re: Ramsey, Illinois tower
Author: KimHeusel

These pictures were taken nearly 16 years ago.

Kim Heusel

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