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Eastern Railroad Discussion > CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved

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Date: 03/15/23 06:38
CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: ironmtn

Breaking news on the Wall Street Journal website as of 9:22 AM ET that the merger of CP and KCS has been approved by the Surface Transportation Board. No further details at this time.


Date: 03/15/23 07:04
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: JPB

According to brief WSJ article:

"meets public interest test for approval..."

"....aporoved with conditions [unspecified in the article]..."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/23 07:05 by JPB.

Date: 03/15/23 07:58
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: rustyr0824

If you subscribe to Trains, there is a news article there.
Also I found this map

But saying "CPKC" is a word salad.

I havn't seen anythhing on creating a new logo.
I read April 14 is when KCS folds into CP.


Date: 03/15/23 09:20
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: aehouse

I do not expect that the Chicago suburban communities will just roll over. I expect lawsuits and injunctions (of course--it's the way of things nowadays.)

Art House

Date: 03/15/23 09:42
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: ChicagoCoyote

How does this merger positively impact the customers or communities along the new CP -KCS?

Date: 03/15/23 10:28
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: rustyr0824

Impact them in a "positive" manner or impact them in general?
I have read they will say there will be far more trains passing through and that will make things more dangerous.
As the saying goes, the Railroads were here long before neighborhood communities were built.
Unless tracks are pulled up or turned into a path, expect someone at some point to dust them off to reuse them.

Date: 03/15/23 12:55
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: tuxedorailfan

It's a purchase labeled as a "merger." KCS will fold into CP. No new logo or anything. 

Date: 03/15/23 13:02
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: ironmtn

aehouse Wrote:
> I do not expect that the Chicago suburban
> communities will just roll over. I expect lawsuits
> and injunctions (of course--it's the way of things
> nowadays.)
> Art House

Within an hour of the announcement, the village board president of the suburb of Bartlett, IL, northwest of Chicago and just east of Elgin on the CP ex-MILW line was being quoted on Chicago all-news station WBBM as saying, "this is gong to cost lives."

Later he gave an interview to WBBM stating the same concerns. Link to the radio station's websbite, with video / audio of the interview: National rail merger angers Chicago northwest suburbs (audacy.com)


Later clarification: his wsords are not my sentiments. I was just reporting what he said, and what was reported on the radio station and its website. - MC

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/23 19:16 by ironmtn.

Date: 03/15/23 15:54
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: ChicagoCoyote

ironmtn Wrote:
> aehouse Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I do not expect that the Chicago suburban
> > communities will just roll over. I expect
> lawsuits
> > and injunctions (of course--it's the way of
> things
> > nowadays.)
> >
> > Art House
> Within an hour of the announcement, the village
> board president of the suburb of Bartlett, IL,
> northwest of Chicago and just east of Elgin on the
> CP ex-MILW line was being quoted on Chicago
> all-news station WBBM as saying, "this is gong to
> cost lives."
> Later he gave an interview to WBBM stating the
> same concerns. Link to the radio station's
> websbite, with video / audio of the
> interview: National rail merger angers Chicago
> northwest suburbs (audacy.com)

There's no doubt this merger will cost lives. Apparently, though, the STB had no choice but to rubber stamp it. Because it met the conditions for a merger. Or something.

Date: 03/15/23 18:04
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: Ray_Murphy

> Within an hour of the announcement, the village
> board president of the suburb of Bartlett, IL,
> northwest of Chicago and just east of Elgin on the
> CP ex-MILW line was being quoted on Chicago
> all-news station WBBM as saying, "this is gong to
> cost lives."



Date: 03/15/23 21:16
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: SOO6617

ChicagoCoyote Wrote:
> How does this merger positively impact the
> customers or communities along the new CP -KCS?

It could positively impact communites along the other railroads in Chicagoland.

Date: 03/15/23 22:00
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: commissioner

Ray_Murphy Wrote:
> > Within an hour of the announcement, the village
> > board president of the suburb of Bartlett, IL,
> > northwest of Chicago and just east of Elgin on
> the
> > CP ex-MILW line was being quoted on Chicago
> > all-news station WBBM as saying, "this is gong
> to
> > cost lives."
> BS
> Ray

Aren't these the same suburbs that went batshit crazy when the CN bought the EJ&E?

Mark Kennebeck
Saint Paul, MN

Date: 03/15/23 22:01
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: coach

It's going to cost lives??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, then stop building roads and freeways, which killed TENS OF THOUSANDS of people last year!  But no one cares about that, because everyone loves to drive their cars.

Such insanely stupid comments by some people.

Date: 03/16/23 06:13
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: rustyr0824

Exactly. And what about random street violence "costing lives".  Much bigger of an impact than a few extra trains running down the track.
And wait a second.  On the little map I posted it says "Bypasses Chicago".  So maybe they will see Less train movement.  
But either way I don't see how it will cost lives. Unless of course people cross in front of trains. That will happen regardless.
Don't matter if you have 1 train a day or 100.  At most they could say a stopped train is causing rescue services to take the long way around.
I could see that argument.  But I'm sure in a city there are a bunch of ways to get from A to B.
As for the merger it says they are going to be called CPKC.
So maybe that's just on paper.
But I would think in time you would start seeing a new logo out there.
I guess time will tell.

Date: 03/16/23 08:41
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: CPMorris

"Cost lives?" What the..... More fear-mongering about nothing. 
As Stevie Wonder once said, "Superstition....when you believe
in things that you don't understand....." 

Date: 03/16/23 08:49
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: ChicagoCoyote

CPMorris Wrote:
> "Cost lives?" What the..... More fear-mongering
> about nothing. 
> As Stevie Wonder once said, "Superstition....when
> you believe
> in things that you don't understand....." 

Tell that to the people of East Palestine Ohio...

Date: 03/16/23 09:27
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: CPMorris

One has nothing to do with the other .
Read the comment from "Coach."  Now,
what were you saying about "cost lives?"

Also, any fatalities in East Palestine Ohio?
One more thing - STB says "64,000 trucks
will be removed from highways over 3 years
as a result of the merger." Yes, that will "cost lives."

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/23 09:42 by CPMorris.

Date: 03/16/23 11:07
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: rustyr0824

I guess the fear is that if you allow two entities to merge then "safety" will be reduced.
That of course is a seperate ball of wax.  As we know they are trying to make lots of money and have forgotten what it means to run a railroad and run it Safely!!
You need more field workers out there, not less.  And they should know how to safely check over their train and look for issues.  Not simply climb in and "go" and leave
the checking to yard workers or worse workers you call up on the phone and ask them to drive 3 hours to come uncouple your engines from the burning heap behind you.
And to me asking and engineer to both run a train And do all the work the conductor does is of course asking for trouble.
Plus they should invest in new technolgy like sensors on the bearings that on a constant basis report their status instead of waiting every 10 miles for a track side detector.
But of course that takes money and time but more imporantly a willingness to invest in both or thrice if you include enough workers.
Personally I'm all for the merger.  Esp if in time it reduces the number of rigs doing long haul trips on our already beat up highways, bridges and tunnels.

Date: 03/16/23 13:33
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: greasemonkey

ChicagoCoyote Wrote:
> CPMorris Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "Cost lives?" What the..... More fear-mongering
> > about nothing. 
> > As Stevie Wonder once said,
> "Superstition....when
> > you believe
> > in things that you don't understand....." 
> Tell that to the people of East Palestine Ohio...

How many died in East Palestine from the derailment?

Date: 03/16/23 15:42
Re: CP - KCS Merger Reported Approved
Author: P

greasemonkey Wrote:
> ChicagoCoyote Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > CPMorris Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > "Cost lives?" What the..... More
> fear-mongering
> > > about nothing. 
> > > As Stevie Wonder once said,
> > "Superstition....when
> > > you believe
> > > in things that you don't understand....." 
> >
> > Tell that to the people of East Palestine
> Ohio...
> How many died in East Palestine from the
> derailment?

None yet, but with that large of a chemical release that was spewed into the town and countryside, it is very possible to lead to premature deaths from cancer or other problems caused by the exposure.

Posted from Android

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