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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Around Central MD & Northeast WV

Date: 03/19/23 06:20
Around Central MD & Northeast WV
Author: GPutz

The e/b CSXT M214 cruises through Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, 3/13/23.  There’s more at:



Date: 03/19/23 06:30
Re: Around Central MD & Northeast WV
Author: LTCerny

:It's interesting to note that the position of the photographer is in Maryland.   The state line runs about half way through the staton's pedestrian tunnel.  You can check it out on google maps.

Date: 03/19/23 14:39
Re: Around Central MD & Northeast WV
Author: WM_1109

LTCerny Wrote:
> :It's interesting to note that the position of the photographer is in Maryland.   The state line
> runs about half way through the staton's pedestrian tunnel.  You can check it out on google maps.

Don't believe everything you read in the papers. Or on GoogleMaps.

Date: 03/19/23 16:39
Re: Around Central MD & Northeast WV
Author: Rwrinaldi

The Potomac river is the state line between MD and WV from east of Harpers Ferry all the way west.

Date: 03/19/23 17:21
Re: Around Central MD & Northeast WV
Author: LTCerny

Rwrinaldi Wrote:
> The Potomac river is the state line between MD and
> WV from east of Harpers Ferry all the way west.

My understanding is that this is not exactly correct, and that some pieces of land south of the south bank of the Potomac are in Maryland, including this piece at Harper's Ferry.

Date: 03/19/23 17:45
Re: Around Central MD & Northeast WV
Author: GPutz

Unless the banks of a river are reinforced and the river made into a concrete channel, basing a border on one bank of the river is not a good idea.  Rivers constantly change course by eroding some areas and building up others.  I think the borders along the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia and West Virginia were surveyed and "fixed" at some point in the past.  Then the river did its thing and some parts of a new south river bank became parts of Maryland becaused they were over that surveyed line.  Up and down the river there are many examples of this, for example in the Point of Rocks area.  This is based on that dashed line on the Google Maps being the accurate surveyed border.    Gerry

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