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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Out and About ..... 11 March 2023

Date: 03/19/23 10:47
Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

1) Our Saturday starts with L104-10 coming west with 2 cars of plastic pellets for the Sealed Air Facility in Keyser, WV. L104 and L105 are Cumberland, MD based Yard Jobs that have "Expanded Territory" that includes Keyser, WV.

Due to a drag tied down at Beall Street in Cumberland, L104 came west on track 1 and crossed over to track 2 at Keyser. Photo here shows L104 shoving back east towards the Keyser Industrial Park.

2) L104-10 in the Keyser Industrial Park swamping the loads for empties.

3) L165-10 (Cumberland, MD to Grafton, WV Local) westbound on Bull Neck Curve at the Keyser Industrial Park.

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Date: 03/19/23 10:50
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

After picking up the boy, we catch a coal drag descending 17 Mile Grade at Beryl, WV

All 3 photos are of C726-10 passing the remains and the on going demolition of the former Verso paper mill's wood yard in Beryl.

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/23 11:19 by DTWilson.

Date: 03/19/23 10:55
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

1) L104-10 running around their empties in the Keyser yard.

2) We decide to chase L104 back to Cumberland. L104-10 eastbound at Pinto, MD with the empties from Sealed Air. There are still using track 1 due to a drag tied down on track 2 ahead in Cumberland, MD.

3) Now in Cumberland, MD a pair of SD's work a remote yard job at Va Ave.

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Date: 03/19/23 11:01
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

1) Test Car in the cut being switched at VA Ave.

2) L104-10 .... just making it in at VA Ave before going on the law.

3) C750-10 eastbound at the Blue Room, near the west hump in Cumberland, MD

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Date: 03/19/23 11:06
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

1) M215-11 westbound in the Narrows outside Cumberland, MD

2) C726-10 eastbound at Bowling Green, MD

3) Seems C726-10 had to preform the "DPU Dance" at Keyser as their DP has been re-positioned to the rear of their train.

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Date: 03/19/23 11:09
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

1) Right behind the drag, L162-09 comes east at Bowling Green, MD

2) L162-09 (Grafton, WV to Cumberland, MD Local) eastbound on the Single Main near Beall Street in Cumberland, MD

3) L162-09 passing a eastbound drag parked at VA Ave in Cumberland.

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Date: 03/19/23 11:15
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

1) M216-09 eastbound at the Blu Room in Cumberland.

2) L105-11 working out the east end of the yard at North Branch along Lock-house Road.

3) I135-11 departing Cumberland, MD with 45 loads near the Valley Road Crossing.

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Date: 03/19/23 11:18
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

1) I135-11 DP power passing Valley Road.

2) Our last train of the day is E745-10 westbound at Bowling Green, MD

3) The Boy wants to get one last set of shots in.... we catch E745-10 westbound at Pinto, MD ....

End of a Good Day ...


Tim W

Date: 03/19/23 12:26
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: 8notch

Tim, that was a nice series of pictures. Looks like it was cool and cloudy. Thanks for getting out there.
Robert in Island City Oregon 

Date: 03/19/23 13:29
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: ClubCar

Thank you Tim for all the great photos keeping us well informed of trains on both the old B&O and Western Maryland lines.  I'm glad that you and your son had a great day.  Your photos are always appreciated.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 03/19/23 17:02
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: perklocal

You guys certainly had a productive day. Always look forward to your posts !

Date: 03/20/23 13:57
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: jmbreitigan

Tim, a nice series of photos. Is Sealed Air a new customer ?

Date: 03/20/23 14:04
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: DTWilson

jmbreitigan Wrote:
> Tim, a nice series of photos. Is Sealed Air a new
> customer ?
> John

Former :Automated Packaging... sold to Sealed Air a couple of years ago.

Date: 03/21/23 13:25
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: ChrisCampi

Interesting and entertaining set.

Date: 03/22/23 15:02
Re: Out and About ..... 11 March 2023
Author: ns1000

Nice pics!!

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