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Eastern Railroad Discussion > IHB cabooses

Date: 05/30/23 20:26
IHB cabooses
Author: calumet

There aren't many active cabooses left these days, and those still around are mostly shoving platforms with chipping paint and plenty of rust.
However, the Indiana Harbor Belt is the exception. Theirs are kept in excellent condition and are used in traditional modes as well.
1. Caboose 54 in resplendent orange.
2. Interior of 54.
3.Caboose number 1 wit two friendly IHB guys aboard.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/23 20:37 by calumet.

Date: 05/30/23 22:14
Re: IHB cabooses
Author: refarkas

Thanks for posting these - It seems only when I see recent caboose photos that I remember when they were the norm and not something rare.

Date: 05/31/23 07:32
Re: IHB cabooses
Author: engineerinvirginia

When I was working the (lately moribund) coalfields of Eastern Kentucky...we occasionally, perhaps a couple times a week used a caboose for long shoves up mine branches. One mine run where we did this it was customary for either the Conductor or Brakeman (whoever lined the switch back for mainline movement) to ride back to the yard in the caboose. 

Date: 06/01/23 15:41
Re: IHB cabooses
Author: rrpreservation

These look a whole lot nicer than the shoving platforms we have around the Denver area.

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