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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Michigan Railroad Club

Date: 05/31/23 12:10
Michigan Railroad Club
Author: borg

Next meeting of The Michigan Railroad Club will be  Wednesday, June 07, 2023.  Program will be:  "Railroads around the St. Louis Area, 1950's through the 1980's" by Mr. Mark Cedeck.

  Meeting is held at the Radcliff Center, 1751 Radcliff St,  Garden City, Michigan  Meeting starts at 1900, ends at 2050 (have to be out of the building by 2100).

  Mr. Cedeck iscoming a long way to put on this program so lets have a good turn out.  ALL are most welcome!  Looking for programs for 2024.  How about putting your U-Tube photographs together into a 40 minute program!

Date: 06/01/23 20:58
Re: Michigan Railroad Club
Author: Soo715

Sounds like a good presentation! At first (being a former Michigan resident who lived in Ann Ann Arbor in my high school days and focused on the Ann Arbor Railroad) I forgot that there is a St. Louis, MI ...and that it is a former C&O location with a historic station and a railroad museum. https://www.stlouismi.com/residents/history/historical-society/

I didn't realize there was enough railroad activity there to justify a presentation...but I'll look forward to it!

Date: 06/02/23 06:24
Re: Michigan Railroad Club
Author: borg

This presentation will be St. Louis, Missouri.

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