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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Monday morning along D&DR's Washington Secondary

Date: 02/19/24 10:50
Monday morning along D&DR's Washington Secondary
Author: Pattenburg

    New Jersey finally got decent weather for me to photograph some winter scenes with something we haven’t seen in two years, namely snow! Dover & Delaware River’s Washington Secondary was my destination to chase C&D’s RP-1 (Rockport to Phillipsburg). It started out in Washington (NJ) waiting for the RP-1 crew to assemble their train. Monday’s power for this trip would be C&D’s Operation Lifesaver 5303 and C&D 2006 to take twenty-seven cars of mixed freight west to the Phillipsburg Yard. In the first photo, RP-1 is seen in the BASF Yard in Washington.
    The second location would be at Stewartsville’s Warren Street grade crossing where RP-1 would pass through around 10:20 AM. My final stop would be Rosenberry Street in Phillipsburg. The last time I was here was back on February 18, 2022 the conductor had to flag this crossing but not today as the signals activated as RP-1 approached the street. Regarding those two men with safety vests, they were surveyors. All in all, this was a good day to be trackside.


Date: 02/21/24 10:41
Re: Monday morning along D&DR's Washington Secondary
Author: NB1001

How long did they switch at Washington before heading west?

NB 1001

Date: 02/21/24 15:57
Re: Monday morning along D&DR's Washington Secondary
Author: Pattenburg

NB1001 Wrote:
> How long did they switch at Washington before
> heading west?
> NB 1001

Not really sure time wise but the crew is pretty efficient once they get to P'burg. That photo of RP-1 going across Rosenberry Street was taken around 10:20 and from what I was told they were in the Washington area around 12:15. Take into account the trip back, about forty-five minutes to and hour, and you can estimate that not much time was spent in Phillipsburg's Stockton Yard.

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