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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Random M.O.W. action in Pinehurst NC

Date: 02/19/24 13:21
Random M.O.W. action in Pinehurst NC
Author: scraphauler

On a beautiful spring-like Monday, February 19,  ACWR 6910 poses on the bridge over NC 5 in Pinehurst NC, on the edge of the Historic Village District, next to the Pinehurst Country Club and Resort and the new USGA Golfhouse Pinehurst.  Picture almost looks like a staged publicity shot with the freshly painted bridge with large logo on it.   6910 is actually bringing up the markers on a short work train which was unloading more rail at the north end of the new passenger cars tracks I've covered on previous threads.  

Next, looking like some sort on mythical monster devouring everything in it's path, a brush cutter works it's way up the ACWR Sandhills sub along NC 5 on the south edge of Pinehurst, on an overcast Friday February 16.

Lastly, we catch the aforementioned work train on it's way to Pinehurst Country Club crossing Devon Drive in Pinewild Country Club of Pinehurst today at 1230.  

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Date: 02/19/24 16:50
Re: Random M.O.W. action in Pinehurst NC
Author: krm152

Excellent photos and video.  Things have really changed since 50 Years ago.

Date: 02/20/24 14:39
Re: Random M.O.W. action in Pinehurst NC
Author: jmbreitigan

Wow, photo #2 sure is impressive. Mythical monster indeed.

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