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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010

Date: 08/31/24 03:37
Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: CSX2605

Duke Energy built a coal gasification plant at Edwardsport, IN near the abandoned PRR right of way. The plant was going to need coal trains for operation so rebuilding an 8 mile section of PRR abandoned R of W was in order. Construction of the plant began in 2008 with construction of the track beginning in 2010. This PRR track was Indianapolis to Vincennes with the section from Sandborn to Vincennes abandoned around 1975. The was a coal spur that came off at Sandborn but that mine closed in the early 2000's. The line from Sandborn to Beehunter was rehabilitated with new crossties and ballast. Beehunter is where this line connects to the Indiana Railroad(former MILW) and takes the trains to the Bear Run coal mine for loading and bring them back. Bear Run is between Sullivan & Linton near the small town of Dugger. Indiana Southern RR operates the coal trains for the coal gas plant. The first train ran April of 2012.

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Date: 08/31/24 03:39
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: CSX2605

Just a few shots. The photo of the coal train was taken March, 2014.

Date: 08/31/24 06:05
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: vern

Yep, Hollywood!!

Vernon Sargent
Greencastle, IN

Date: 08/31/24 13:53
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: Gonut1

I recall seeing some posts about this way back. Thanks for the photos.

Date: 08/31/24 19:34
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: mkancle

That 5th shot is pretty cool! Looks like a giant insect on the ROW!

Date: 08/31/24 19:53
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: ts1457

Appreciate the post.

Seeing an abandoned line brought back better than ever is inspirational.

Date: 09/01/24 18:57
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: up833

What a great job of blending then and now!

Date: 09/02/24 11:39
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: EL3600

Outstanding job!

Date: 09/02/24 14:30
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: MdRailfan

Really cool video! will there be outbound loads from the plant? Are there any other online customers along the new track? 

Date: 09/02/24 16:21
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: CSX2605

MdRailfan Wrote:
> Really cool video! will there be outbound loads
> from the plant? Are there any other online
> customers along the new track? 
Yes, there are outbound loads in tank cars. I just can't remember what exactly it is. Some sort of liquid sulfur product. No other online customers. Been a long time since I have been up that way and brush up on whats happening now with the rail traffic.

Date: 09/03/24 13:39
Re: Rebuilding a section of abandoned PRR track in 2010
Author: ns1000

Great post!!

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