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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Trespasser pushing his luck!

Date: 09/22/24 13:56
Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: RFandPFan

Yesterday at Marion, Ohio.  I usually don't make posts like this, but this kid was really an idiot!  Trespasser versus NS 170 at track speed.  Video shows all.

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Date: 09/22/24 14:10
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: Cumberland

That's terrifying - to say the least!

Part of me thinks that flooding social media with footage of a not so lucky scenario is the only way to get the message across.

Date: 09/22/24 15:07
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: refarkas

Thankfully, he made it. How foolish he was!

Date: 09/22/24 15:42
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: ClubCar

refarkas Wrote:
> Thankfully, he made it. How foolish he was!
> Bob
You are absolutely correct Bob, but unfortunately, there are many more of these fools everywhere.  We just cannot fix stupid people.
John in White Marsh, Maryland

Date: 09/22/24 16:17
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: cinder

I rest my case.......

Date: 09/22/24 17:39
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: redberan4449

RFandPFan Wrote:
> Yesterday at Marion, Ohio.  I usually don't make
> posts like this, but this kid was really an
> idiot!  Trespasser versus NS 170 at track
> speed.  Video shows all.
How many mortal sins did you see in that video?  Worst one was looking at the locomotive, and not the ground beneath him.  Perhaps 7 or less lives left in him.


Date: 09/22/24 18:23
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: EL3600

A Darwin  Award runner-up.

Date: 09/22/24 19:44
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: wcamp1472

That's NOT the first time he's tried that !
And, as you've said, he ain't looking where the tripping hazard is.

Good thing there wasn't an approaching train, on the other track, 



Date: 09/22/24 20:18
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: ts1457

If he had slipped or tripped, the only question would be how many pieces would be needed to be picked up.

Date: 09/23/24 09:37
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: Ritzville

EL3600 Wrote:
> A Darwin  Award runner-up.

I'll second that!


Date: 09/23/24 11:17
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: WM_1109

alternate thread title:  NS Contemplates Adding Hood Ornament to SD70Ace Fleet

Date: 09/23/24 14:40
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: gandydancer4

I have ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPATHY for people that do this crap. Let's hope he's sterile...or at least too stupid to know how. 

Date: 09/24/24 04:13
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: Jovet

Well, at least he had the good sense to plug his ears to protect his hearing after he was clear of the tracks.

Date: 09/25/24 12:10
Re: Trespasser pushing his luck!
Author: RNP47

Sadly, had he been injured or worse, the railroad would be sued for sure.

Bob Phelps
Micanopy, FL

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