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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District

Date: 11/17/24 16:55
Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: dschlegel

Thanks to a timely heads up from my friend Pattenburg, I was able to finish cooking dinner (SOS/creamed chipped beef on toast), eat two helpings, walk the pups, and get trackside tonight to catch the 23G with the NS 8100 (Nickel Plate Heritage) leading.

Here it is splitting the Topton, PA Business District/Restaurant Row in two at the Home Avenue crossing.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/24 16:57 by dschlegel.

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Date: 11/17/24 17:02
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: train1275

Another good video. Maybe I can catch 23G tomorrow.

Sounds like a good supper !

Date: 11/17/24 17:12
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: dschlegel

train1275 Wrote:
> Another good video. Maybe I can catch 23G
> tomorrow.
> Sounds like a good supper !


Supper was yummy, I make it from scratch the way my grandma taught me. The recipe includes a half stick of butter so you can’t really go wrong.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/17/24 17:22
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: train1275

Being in Eastern Pennsylvania, do you ever eat scrapple?

Posted from Android

Date: 11/17/24 17:39
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: dschlegel

train1275 Wrote:
> Being in Eastern Pennsylvania, do you ever eat
> scrapple?
> Posted from Android

I love it!! My neighbor butchers every spring and brings me an entire loaf. I cut it up into individual servings and freeze it as I’m the only one in the house that eats it.

Some people put ketchup on it, or maple syrup, or even apple butter but I’m a purist and eat it as it comes out of the pan!


Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/17/24 17:39
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: HotWater

train1275 Wrote:
> Being in Eastern Pennsylvania, do you ever eat
> scrapple?

Being originally from New Jersey, I wouldn't feed that to our dog! Now, if you want a REALLY good breakfast, or a fantastic lunch sandwich, you should try Taylor Pork Roll. Pan fried and then with eggs (for breakfast) or on a buttered hard roll for lunch. Nothing like it.

Date: 11/17/24 17:57
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: dschlegel

HotWater Wrote:
> train1275 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Being in Eastern Pennsylvania, do you ever eat
> > scrapple?
> Being originally from New Jersey, I wouldn't feed
> that to our dog! Now, if you want a REALLY good
> breakfast, or a fantastic lunch sandwich, you
> should try Taylor Pork Roll. Pan fried and then
> with eggs (for breakfast) or on a buttered hard
> roll for lunch. Nothing like it.

I do enjoy a good pork roll sandwich! I work with several Jersey residents and natives who will often debate what it’s really called. According to them it’s either “Taylor Ham” or “Pork Roll” and depending on what a person calls it will determine how much respect that person receives.


Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/24 17:58 by dschlegel.

Date: 11/17/24 18:22
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: Notch7

Perfect night video and story - good enough to make a old shut-in engineer feel better.  Always nice to see the Alliance reefer trailers still rolling.  They used to sail by me hauling Mars candy.  

Date: 11/18/24 08:38
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: ns2557

HotWater Wrote:
> train1275 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Being in Eastern Pennsylvania, do you ever eat
> > scrapple?
> Being originally from New Jersey, I wouldn't feed
> that to our dog! Now, if you want a REALLY good
> breakfast, or a fantastic lunch sandwich, you
> should try Taylor Pork Roll. Pan fried and then
> with eggs (for breakfast) or on a buttered hard
> roll for lunch. Nothing like it.

Ya gotta try Lebanon Bologna. Fantastic stuff. And a popular lunch meat at least when I was growing up in Pa oh so many years ago.   Ben

Date: 11/18/24 11:15
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: JUTower

Scrapple no, Pork Roll yes, Lebanon Bologna yes.  Although I've been in Pittsburgh for 25 years, can't find any of these things this far west...

Date: 11/18/24 16:12
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: Gonut1

My Dad, PA Dutch, always said scrapple has everything in it but the Pig's squeal. I love the stuff! Years ago a friend owned a pig farm and he would have so much scrapple I to would recieve loaves  to slice up and freeze. So much better from a local butcher than the grocery store. In fact he had so much he would take a frozen loaf and put it his yard. His Black Labs would eat it as fast it it defrosted!
I put ketchup on it when I was a kid but nothing on it now. We had quite a few meals of Scrapple and Corn Meal Mush after a trip to a Farmers Market topped with maple syrup

Date: 11/19/24 16:23
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: dschlegel

JUTower Wrote:
> Scrapple no, Pork Roll yes, Lebanon Bologna yes. 
> Although I've been in Pittsburgh for 25 years,
> can't find any of these things this far west...

Lebanon is a true treat and very versatile. I grew up eating it on a sandwich almost every day for lunch.

It’s a shame you can’t get it there, when I was in the Air Force in the mid 90’s I was able to get Dietz and Watson brand Lebanon at the Sumter, SC Piggly Wiggly deli. Not the best brand (Seltzers) of Lebanon but also not the worst (Kunzlers in my opinion). It fit the bill for a PA Dutch kid far from home.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/22/24 18:57
Re: Nickel Plate Heritage Through Topton’s Business District
Author: ns1000

dschlegel Wrote:
> train1275 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Being in Eastern Pennsylvania, do you ever eat
> > scrapple?
> >
> > Posted from Android
> I love it!! My neighbor butchers every spring and
> brings me an entire loaf. I cut it up into
> individual servings and freeze it as I’m the
> only one in the house that eats it.
> Some people put ketchup on it, or maple syrup, or
> even apple butter but I’m a purist and eat it as
> it comes out of the pan!
> Dan
> Posted from iPhone

A diner near where I live offer scrapple with one of their breakfasts. Its good (as long as its not burnt). I also don't use syrup and am the only family member (besides my mom) that eats it.

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