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Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 196 up the hill (just for the sound)

Date: 11/18/24 05:49
NS 196 up the hill (just for the sound)
Author: dan7366

With the leaves mostly off the trees, the headlights of trains on the CNO&TP can now be seen from the house.  The heavy trains also sound really good as they're coming up hill, and can be heard for a pretty far distance.  Listening to this 196 last night, I'm pretty sure that I heard them from before they came up through the tunnels at Nemo.  I started this recording after they called the signals at Lancing, which is right about 2 miles before they get to me, and I stopped recording as the head end passed my house.  That works out to a bit under 15 mph.  I'm fairly certain that the squawk on the scanner was the defect detector in Lancing, which helps to give an idea how long this train was.  I do know that I was clearly hearing this train for at least 20 minutes before they got to me.  So while this is a "video", I hope you are ok with it not really showing much besides the occasional glimpse of headlights through the woods, and just enjoy the sound of the train fighting the hill.


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