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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Purple Heart medal found by CSX tracks...

Date: 11/19/24 12:12
Purple Heart medal found by CSX tracks...
Author: Heath_Tower

Date: 11/20/24 07:13
Re: Purple Heart medal found by CSX tracks...
Author: ctillnc

Bravo Zulu to the CSX workers. 

Date: 11/20/24 17:43
Re: Purple Heart medal found by CSX tracks...
Author: justalurker66

ctillnc Wrote:
> Bravo Zulu to the CSX workers

Found on the tracks in Hurricane, West Virginia. I wonder if a hurricane put it there.. 

Date: 11/23/24 11:28
Re: Purple Heart medal found by CSX tracks...
Author: wabash2800

It is my understanding that if you were the recipient of such a medal and you lose it, you (or a family member?) can request a replacement. Someone took off with my dad's medals. We suspect that my nephew, who was a delinquent at the time, took them to school (without telling anyone) and lost them.

Victor Baird

Date: 11/23/24 14:07
Re: Purple Heart medal found by CSX tracks...
Author: howeld

wabash2800 Wrote:
> It is my understanding that if you were the
> recipient of such a medal and you lose it, you (or
> a family member?) can request a replacement.
> Someone took off with my dad's medals. We suspect
> that my nephew, who was a delinquent at the time,
> took them to school (without telling anyone) and
> lost them.
> Victor Baird

Yes. My grandfather lost his navy cross and Purple Heart in a house fire. They are replaced upon request.

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