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Eastern Railroad Discussion > CF7 in the rain in the dark

Date: 11/20/24 06:02
CF7 in the rain in the dark
Author: dan7366

Came around a curve on my way to work last night to find Heritage Railroad of Oak Ridge, TN almost into the crossing as they were running to the NS interchange at Blair.  After they passed, I turned around and jumped ahead of them about a mile (pretty easy since they only run 10 mph or so) and waited.  Unfortunately all I had was the cell phone.  The locomotive is their "new" CF7 #50, acquired out of Florida last year, and was recently put into service.  I'd been hoping that my first encounter with this unit running would have been with nice weather, but I'll take it.


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Date: 11/20/24 07:08
Re: CF7 in the rain in the dark
Author: ShortlinesUSA

Very interesting! I heard the only intent for the former Florida Central (FCEN) 50 was to scrap it for its trucks. This would seem to prove otherwise.

Thanks for posting the "evidence." ;😜

Mike Derrick

Posted from Android

Date: 11/20/24 18:34
Re: CF7 in the rain in the dark
Author: dan7366

ShortlinesUSA Wrote:
> Very interesting! I heard the only intent for the
> former Florida Central (FCEN) 50 was to scrap it
> for its trucks. This would seem to prove
> otherwise.
> Thanks for posting the "evidence." ;😜
> Mike Derrick
> Posted from Android

I never heard anything about scrapping it - just that the plan was to get it in service and possibly back to ATSF colors, though that part is not a priority.


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