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Eastern Railroad Discussion > CSX 1776, BN & RF&P still earning their keep!

Date: 11/24/24 14:47
CSX 1776, BN & RF&P still earning their keep!
Author: CSX2605

A few catches from today. M502 had the 1776 in trail rolling north just south of Vincennes, IN. Should be in Lafayette, IN by now and on to Chicago.
RF&P still in revenue service on a phosphate train to Chicago.
An old BN woodchip car on M501. The light was low but not letting him pass without a fight. ;)
One car I missed on the phosphate train was a "Sands of Iowa" hopper or something like that.

Date: 11/24/24 17:22
Re: CSX 1776, BN & RF&P still earning their keep!
Author: globalethanol

That ex RF&P covered hopper is amazing.


Posted from Android

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