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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart

Date: 11/24/24 19:34
Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: CSX2605

Anytime I can photograph a phosphate train here on CSX, I do it. Several phosphate trains move through here to and from Mulberry, FL to Chicago and usually have some classic old hoppers in tow. I call this one covered hopper the "McD's" car because of the graffiti on the side and amazingly stays facing the west, my side, when passing through. I won't quote the caption on the car here, just read it yourself. "I'm lovin' it" LOL!
First time I shot it was 9-23-24 and is the first photo.
Second time was 10-23-24 and is the second photo.
Third time was today, 11-24-24, and is the third photo.
I guess I'll be watching on Christmas Eve. ;) 
Must be the perfect example of PSR! 

Date: 11/24/24 20:06
Re: Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: WM_1109

Thanks for the interpretation; I left my graffiti decoder ring at work.

Date: 11/24/24 21:18
Re: Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: Cumberland

Interesting idea. It looks like the car coupled to the right end of the featured one on the first two images stayed intact.

Now that I've looked at the images more closely, the foreground groundcover makes the imeges appear in a slow shutter-speed, while the train is in motion with a fast shutter-speed. Neat!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/24 21:24 by Cumberland.

Date: 11/25/24 03:09
Re: Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: CSX2605

Cumberland Wrote:
> Interesting idea. It looks like the car coupled to
> the right end of the featured one on the first two
> images stayed intact.
> Now that I've looked at the images more closely,
> the foreground groundcover makes the imeges appear
> in a slow shutter-speed, while the train is in
> motion with a fast shutter-speed. Neat!
> Matthew
When I shoot the cars with the drone I try and pace the car then take the picture to get the most crisp image. Works very good in low light situations as long as the train is not going too fast. The aperture is not adjustable on the drone camera. Shutter speed and ISO is adjustable.
Here is a sweet C&NW hopper I was pacing in very low light. No patch out or graffiti! 9-2-24

Date: 11/25/24 07:14
Re: Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: ns2557

WM_1109 Wrote:
> Thanks for the interpretation; I left
> my graffiti decoder ring at work.
> /Ted

Still in the Cracker Jack box at that.  Ben  :)

Date: 11/25/24 09:26
Re: Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: farmer

Phosphate trains also operate regularly on CSX via Chicago to Deshler Ohio and south from there.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/25/24 18:43
Re: Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: CSX2605

farmer Wrote:
> Phosphate trains also operate regularly on CSX via
> Chicago to Deshler Ohio and south from there.
Yes, don't remind me. LOL!

Date: 11/26/24 05:11
Re: Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: scraphauler

Not to be out done, Wendy's has a car too.  It's a regular in CSXT grain consists in the southeast, as seen here in Pinehurst NC on 10/28/24.   Hmmm, a McDonald's car hauling fertilizer while the Wendy's car hauing grain.  Is there a joke in there somewhere?  

Date: 11/26/24 13:31
Re: Same McD's hopper car 3 months apart
Author: CSX2605

scraphauler Wrote:
> Not to be out done, Wendy's has a car too.  It's
> a regular in CSXT grain consists in the southeast,
> as seen here in Pinehurst NC on 10/28/24. 
Great catch Scrap!
That's not a Wendy's.....This is a Wendy's! LOL!  1-25-15   I used the decoder ring filter on my camera. ;) I actually caught this car about 2 months apart. Must have been in captive service for a customer somewhere on CSX

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