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Eastern Railroad Discussion > New Year’s Eve on the NS Reading Line

Date: 12/31/24 10:03
New Year’s Eve on the NS Reading Line
Author: dschlegel

I was able to get trackside a bit this morning and catch a few trains.

First up is the NS 65E empty ethanol with a UP unit trailing at Bowers, PA.

Two more to follow.........

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/24 10:12 by dschlegel.

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Date: 12/31/24 10:06
Re: New Year’s Eve on the NS Reading Line
Author: dschlegel

After taking a drive to check the signals in Lyons and missing the 21W I went back to Bowers to catch the 29G who was hot on the heels of 21W. Note the Red Cross cause container in the consist.

One more.........​

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Date: 12/31/24 10:12
Re: New Year’s Eve on the NS Reading Line
Author: dschlegel

And finally for today we have the 28X led by NS 4004 (DC to AC conversion black mane paint) rolling east at the east end of Fleetwood, PA. 

This location is at the Dreiblebiss Cemetery where members of the Dreiblebiss family are buried. The family were some of the original settlers to this area of Pennsylvania and came to the colonies well before the Revolutionary War. Two of those buried here served in the Revolution.

Some old head railroaders call this location "Hell Gate" for reasons lost to time. Occasionally I will hear an NS crew refer to the location as this which I always find interesting.

In any case, I hope everyone has a wonderful 2025!


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Date: 12/31/24 10:52
Re: New Year’s Eve on the NS Reading Line
Author: jgilmore

dschlegel Wrote:
> Some old head railroaders call this location "Hell
> Gate" for reasons lost to time. Occasionally I
> will hear an NS crew refer to the location as this
> which I always find interesting.

Nice bunch on a sunny day, I remember hearing that location "Hell Gate" a couple times and used to wonder about it. I would chuckle to myself and wonder if it meant any bad folks buried there went through the "Gate" for a long trip down, lol!


Date: 12/31/24 11:55
Re: New Year’s Eve on the NS Reading Line
Author: OHRY

So I've always known that as Hellgate since I hired....and I have absolutely no clue as to why.

Posted from Android

Date: 12/31/24 12:27
Re: New Year’s Eve on the NS Reading Line
Author: dschlegel

OHRY Wrote:
> So I've always known that as Hellgate since I
> hired....and I have absolutely no clue as to why.
> Posted from Android

My dad says he originally heard the Reading guys calling it that back in the 1950’s but never got an explanation either.


Posted from iPhone

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