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Eastern Railroad Discussion > CSX Trains in the Winter Storm

Date: 01/05/25 16:56
CSX Trains in the Winter Storm
Author: CSX2605

Pretty much been getting snow/sleet/rain all day today and that is the best reason to get trackside. I live right next to the CSX CE&D sub so it's easy to go down the lane and set up shop. I am 20 miles north of the VR Princeton, IN camera if anyone has been watching it today.  Whoever said that weather like this isn't fit for man nor beast doesn't know railroading. ;)
First up is I128 coming north. Notice how the front wheel is kicking up some ice spray as it pulverizes the ice on the rail. The snow/sleet really picked up as I128 was passing.

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Date: 01/05/25 17:02
Re: CSX Trains in the Winter Storm
Author: CSX2605

Next up is a empty grain train rolling north in the heavy snow/sleet:

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Date: 01/05/25 17:09
Re: CSX Trains in the Winter Storm
Author: dschlegel

Good stuff!!!

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/05/25 17:22
Re: CSX Trains in the Winter Storm
Author: CSX2605

Next is M501 who was in Alice siding making their pick up in the yard. When the grain train passed M501 was ready to come south so I hung out and caught him in the driving snow. The pick up was on the rear of the train.

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Date: 01/05/25 18:44
Re: CSX Trains in the Winter Storm
Author: Gonut1

Nasty weather out there! No drone today. Neat seeing the "pulverized ice".
This stuff is supposed to hit is here in the Mid-Atlantic states in the morning. My location will probably just get side-swiped witha 1" nuisance snow.
Thanks for going trackside.

Date: 01/06/25 08:38
Re: CSX Trains in the Winter Storm
Author: vern

Good stuff Brian. I went out awhile mid afternoon, but it was dead around here. all I got was the track inspector going "up" the Monon.

Vernon Sargent
Greencastle, IN

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