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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow

Date: 01/10/25 16:53
Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: srman

The Louisville & Indiana's Jeffersonville Indiana yard is practically in my backyard. If I hear something on the radio I can pretty much be there in a couple of minutes to intercept. Now in recent years snow has pretty much eluded the area where I live. So when I heard one of their locals today leaving the yard I headed out to catch with a little snow flying around. All images are around Jeffersonville Inidana. 

Date: 01/10/25 17:54
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: boejoe

Nice shots.  What can you tell us about the interesting "scale" in photo 3?  I see lots of wooden pallets but the weight/counterweight object makes me curious.

Date: 01/10/25 18:05
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: refarkas

Great snow shots.

Date: 01/10/25 18:42
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: Gonut1

Their units look great in the snow. Isn't that the scales of justice back there?

Date: 01/10/25 19:35
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: srman

Honestly I can’t totally explain those scales. I’ve never asked anyone about them. I know they have been there for years. I do know one of them has the word LOVE on it. I’m sure it has something to do about balancing life’s issues.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/11/25 05:24
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: AndyBrown

Those are some sharp looking geeps!  I don't think I've seen this line before.


Date: 01/11/25 09:23
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: atsf121

Congrats on the IOTD, those units look amazing in the snow.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/11/25 11:53
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: 3rdswitch

Excellent trio. Typical shortline using more power than cars.

Date: 01/11/25 20:58
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: up421

boejoe Wrote:
> Nice shots.  What can you tell us about the
> interesting "scale" in photo 3?  I see lots of
> wooden pallets but the weight/counterweight object
> makes me curious.
> jb

A bit of research turned up a page featuring the scales and The Lady.

Below the buckets of the scales are two pyramids.  One is labeled "Always Too Much" the other is "Never Enough".

There is a large metal sculpture of a woman a short distance from the scales.

For those who would like to see photos of the woman and the scales the link is below.

Eerie Indiana: The Lady - Jeffersonville, Indiana

Hope this helps.


Date: 01/11/25 23:02
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: coach

Great looking units here!

Lead unit looks like a GP-39, or GP-40---need to see the radiator fan area better...

Date: 01/12/25 07:27
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: srman

The 2304 is a GP39-2 and was built as MKT 379.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/13/25 12:40
Re: Another opportunity with the LIRC in the snow
Author: ns1000

Nice pics!!  My favorite is Pic 3!!

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