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Eastern Railroad Discussion > am i right or not right about csx trenton line trains?Date: 01/30/25 14:18 am i right or not right about csx trenton line trains? Author: Darthsimpletext Manifest and trash trains
M403 M404 M405 M406 M300 M301 Intermodal and autorack trains: I157 I104 M218 M217 I033 I032 Some trains have been rerouted and or start and end in philly due to the howard street tunnel work in baltimore md nick Posted from iPhone Date: 01/30/25 17:25 Re: am i right or not right about csx trenton line trains? Author: OpenKnuckle Starting February 1st, CSX is supposed to reroute 4-6 trains a day via NS Lurgan and Harrisburg line from Hagerstown to Philly.
Posted from Android Date: 01/30/25 18:36 Re: am i right or not right about csx trenton line trains? Author: MdRailfan I posed this question a couple weeks ago on someone else's thread and didn't get an answer. Maybe nobody knows or it was still early, but will anything be traveling on the Philly Sub to Baltimore?
Date: 02/01/25 10:35 Re: am i right or not right about csx trenton line trains? Author: Darthsimpletext M372 was the last train through the tunnels this morning before the tunnel gets a major rework for double stack clearance. Nothing will pass for about 8 months as far as i am concerned
nick Posted from iPhone |