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Eastern Railroad Discussion > CN potash train in Georgia

Date: 02/02/25 12:36
CN potash train in Georgia
Author: RFandPFan

01/25/25 CSX B241 (Chicago to Tampa) at Hilliard, Florida with 150 potash loads and all CN power.

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Date: 02/02/25 16:30
Re: CN potash train in Georgia
Author: CSX2605

Excellent video and photos! Really like how you edited the video. Great work! Early Friday morning had a B240 go north. Empties going back to CN. Must be some great export demand for potash out of Tampa. Several of these have been running since at least October. Maybe using a different port so that's why they are routed this way?

Date: 02/02/25 19:20
Re: CN potash train in Georgia
Author: RMD23

Excellent!  I enjoy watching foreign rail videos, and I've often thought of how I would want to depict North American freight railroading at its best to someone form EU or Asia - and this would be pretty much spot on for depicting most non-mountainous areas.  High tonnage per car, a long train, DPU usage, and very decent speed.

Date: 02/03/25 06:22
Re: CN potash train in Georgia
Author: bnsf6606

Thanks for sharing the video.  A couple of points though.  The Agrium, Potash Corpration and Nutirent hoppers you mentioned all belong to the Nutrien Corporartion.  Nutrien purchased and merged into one back in early 2020.  

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/25 06:22 by bnsf6606.

Date: 02/03/25 12:11
Re: CN potash train in Georgia
Author: timz

That's why the potash is going to Tampa --
to get on a ship? So why Tampa instead
of New Orleans or Baton Rouge or something?

Date: 02/03/25 14:51
Re: CN potash train in Georgia
Author: pedrop

Great video. I saw a potash train in Idaho in 2011. At that time, it was pulled by UP SD9043.

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 02/03/25 18:51
Re: CN potash train in Georgia
Author: MdRailfan

I've personally only seen a handful of the Nutrien green hoppers. anyone know how many were painted in the green?

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