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Eastern Railroad Discussion > "Rolling Thunder Along the Potomac"

Date: 02/03/25 10:30
"Rolling Thunder Along the Potomac"
Author: cinder

Sorry ...... No flat wheels on a freight train or motorcycles.  Just four videos of Amtraks at speed near the Cherry Hill Rd. crossing at the new community of Potomac Shores, Woodbridge, VA

1.  Southbound "Floridian" (Chicago to Miami) .   Sorry about the videographer's shadow.   Is this P041 or P091?
2.  Northbound P080
3.  Southbound P0195


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/25 10:55 by cinder.

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Date: 02/03/25 10:42
Re: "Rolling Thunder Along the Potomac"
Author: cinder

4 & 5..  A moribund, folrlorn and vandalized Tim's Rivershore Restaurant sits trackside, oblivious to the passing trains

6.  Northbound P0158,at 4:30 as the sun is setting.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/25 10:53 by cinder.

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Date: 02/03/25 11:10
Re: "Rolling Thunder Along the Potomac"
Author: cinder

7&8.  More of "Tim's Rivershore Nomore"
9.  AutoTrain - 8/24/22.

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Date: 02/03/25 18:59
Re: "Rolling Thunder Along the Potomac"
Author: MdRailfan

All excellent videos

Date: 02/06/25 09:23
Re: "Rolling Thunder Along the Potomac"
Author: wcamp1472

Former RF&P Main line,
Alexandria to Richmond ?

Had been very well maintained
main line with heavy freight and
passenger traffic. Two mains,
double signaled, two directional
traffic. I worked as Master Mechanic at Potomc Yards,
1980 to 1990.

An intoxicated CR crew caused a
massive wreck, north of Baltimore, involving Amtrak, in Jan ‘87,
PY closed in 8/1990.

End of my RR career.
( other RRs were not interested in
hiring anybody older than 50 years)


Posted from iPhone

Date: 02/07/25 07:50
Re: "Rolling Thunder Along the Potomac"
Author: RailRat

Wow all very impressive videos!
Im assuming that Autotrain is full of passengers and cars? Most impressive also! I was surprised how many passenger and auto cars went went by your camera lens!
I counted 13 passenger and 28 auto cars.

Jim Baker
Riverside, CA

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/07/25 07:54 by RailRat.

Date: 02/07/25 12:45
Re: "Rolling Thunder Along the Potomac"
Author: ATSF_Cliff

Tim's got some work to do to get back up to code before spring.  Thank you.  Very good videos.

Cliff Rutherford
Grain Valley, MO

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