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Date: 11/10/03 12:44
Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: ts1474

I have lost my job and have decided to change careers.I am considering going to a Norfolk Southern conductor recruiting day.But I have heard nothing but horror stories about how bad a job working for a railroad is.I would like to hear from railroad employees who like their job and also have a life away from the job.

Date: 11/10/03 13:00
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: SilverSky

It all depends on how you approach the job and what your expectations are. Railroading is a lifestyle....it becomes your life. Don't expect to be home for birthdays, holidays, nights, weekends or any other time that you want to be away from work. Many railfans never make it as a rail....even though they should have a better understanding of the work than John Q. Public. Don't expect to be able to effect change....it won't happen. Don't allow yourself to be come bitter or poisoned by the employees who hate their jobs but who refuse to do anything but bitch about it. It can be a lot of fun but it also can be very frustrating. Do not let the frustration of both ignorant management AND line employees bring you down or you'll end up like one of the horror stories that you have heard.

Silver Sky

Date: 11/10/03 13:18
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: elchapman

ts 1474,
I have worked for both CSX and NS and the railroad life wasn't for me. I tend to live a structured life and didn't fit in the railroad too well. I loved the work and the scenery but the management and I didn't mix. If you are not married, go to the session and let them know that you are willing to work hard and you will be there when they need you and you have a good shot. If you are married, talk to your wife and let her know what you intend on doing and what it will be like. I have chosen to return to college and will get my BS in Accounting and Finance and become a CPA. Ultimately, it is whatever floats your boat but just think about the future of it. Good luck!!
Lee Chapman

Date: 11/10/03 14:05
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: JoeyGooganelli

they've hit it on the head. i've been on the railroad for over 5 years now. i have a few friends that are railfans that i work with and some that don't. it isn't the job that makes it hard it is the company and union politics. if you have any specific questions, ask. i am sure railroaders on here will go into detail about what they like and don't like. what ever you do, don't let the recruiter b.s. you. the work is great. its all the other things that offset it.


Date: 11/10/03 15:11
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: tarnett


Congrats on a career as a CPA. It too can be like the railroad if you go into public accounting/auditing. My wife worked as an auditor for Arthur Andersen and then Deloitte & Touche after the falling of A.A. There were many nights I didnt see her as she worked 12-16 hours a day. A lot of travel too. However, she was well compensated while with the said firms. We have been married 2-1/2 years and children will soon be in the picture so she has switched to private accounting and life is wonderful for the both of us. Not steering you away, just giving you a heads up. Good luck.

Date: 11/10/03 16:18
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: Throttle_JCKY

The way of railroaders is a lifestyle. As has been said, you aren't home alot, and the hours can be called aweful. The one thing you have to keep in mind is that the railroad isn't run by rails anymore, its run by college educated people. This is what makes the poison fly.

You really have to understand that you will be watched almost non stop, and yes, your boss will be out to fire you. I haven't met a Trainmaster or Roadforman who wasn't, no matter how nice they are to ya.

If you are serious, then forget everything you thought you knew about railroading and learn the right way from scratch. For the most part I haven't seen many railfans that made it as rails. Just be open to things and if it isn't for you, then head down another path!

Also, remember that its all about SENIORITY!

Date: 11/10/03 17:09
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: Anvilhead

The work itself is interesting, although the hours and uncertainty of work schedules is very erratic. You can't make plans for much of anything outside of the railroad unless you mark off. Be prepared to live by your phone or beeper.
If your spouse isn't a patient, understanding person you've got even more trouble on hyour hands.

The biggest problem is management and the FRA. If they would just leave you to do your job it would be an OK place, like it was years ago. But today is a whole different ball game.............

I'd never do it again. No way.

Good luck.

Date: 11/10/03 17:14
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: el03440

I railroaded for over 33 years and loved every minute of it. Like they say its a lifestyle. It gets in your blood.
I had a job that very few get to have. I was a railroad scale inspector and got to see a lot of territory most never see. I didn't mind not being in the cab. That would have been too restricting.
Some day I might write a book?
If a railroad career is what you want....Go for it. You may end up loving it.....I know I did.
John C. Durant

Date: 11/10/03 20:06
I'm Lovin it...but
Author: DRLOCO

...remember sometimes getting your wish isn't at all what you expected!
I've worked for CR and now CSX for 8 years. It's definitely in the blood, and long before I discovered girls, I thought trains were cool. Now I get to run them and my wife says I can look, but I can't touch--the Girls, silly! (which is fine by me). Anynow, think seriously about the job. It IS dangerous, 5 have been killed on CSX this year alone. There are no small accidents or incidents. If you do get hurt, you're usually lucky to escape with only 1-2 lost limbs.
It is a job that works all hours in all weather. The crew callers sit in a nice office in Jacksonville(in my case) and expect me to drive through a blinding snowstorm to get to work, because "it's 75 and sunny here" as they say. They can be jerks. Vigorously defend your senority, and KNOW your union/company agreements thoroughly! That is your only real defence. All they care about is getting a warm body on the train. If you don't feel comfortable when they call you for an odd job don't take that specific job...If you screw up, you get fired, not the caller.
Talk it over with your family/spouse. this has been mentioned, but it is worth repeating: it takes a very special and committed person to marry a railroader. There are far more divorces out here than that of a normal 9-5er. If they are pretty self sufficient, then that is a big help.
As a new hire, Get qualified on the physical characteristics everywhere you can out of your terminal...that will lessen your chances of getting furloughed (laid off) in the winter. You may end up with a few months off in the winter (usually Jan-Mar) anyhow...plan accordingly. Don't go buy that new $30,000 pickup you wanted just yet...save a little. Ask questions. The best new hires out here are the ones that stay awake with me as I run the train and ask lots of questions. I don't have all the answers, because I'm still a new hire myself, but we can find out, I'll bet.
As a railfan, I'd downplay that for a while. Don't deny it, just don't say "see that new AC44? it's got blah blah...the oldheads don't care...all they want is an engine (preferably widebody) that gets the train over the hills in one piece. Try to remain professional about it. I feel I've done a pretty good job, and I was a studious conductor and engineer. The training schools are tough, but not impossible. Just because we railfans go in with some advance knowldege does not mean we know it all. Air Brakes will stupify even the most seasoned buff!
I could go on (and can if you want me to--email me at: drloco1@yahoo.com)
but you get the idea--it's a great job, and you'll see more interesting things out on the rails than anyone in a cube farm!
DRLOCO--it's more than a job, it's a way of life.

Date: 11/10/03 20:25
Re: I'm Lovin it...but
Author: lew

It is absolutely, a way of life. I don't think anyone here has the capability of putting it into terms you could understand without living it yourself. If you let them, they'll work you nonstop and they think nothing of it. Their attitude is, hey, you got paid for it, didn't you!

Having said that, I've been doing this for a long time and it's a tough way to live. If you are a active, social person and live a active, scheduled lifestyle and expect to socialize with your friends on weekends and party at the lake in the summer, and meet for drinks on Wednesday evening, or if you're the type who, say, likes to be in church on Sunday morning, kiss all of that goodbye. You won't be doing any of that on a regular basis, you figure the odds and tell them, hey, I might be there if things work out, but they won't work out most of the time. All your friends you have now won't understand, people don't understand this, and after awhile, they won't call anymore.

If you have a wife, she'd better be strong. If you have children, she'd better be stronger, still, it's hard on her and if you can get through it together, it's quite an accomplishment. Many have, still more haven't. If you have a girlfriend, it's going to take a lot of patience from her as to why you missed the party on Saturday night when you just knew you were going to be in, you just knew it.

Think I sound bitter? No, I don't know any better. I'm just being realistic. Most of the guys that you would work with like this job on one level or another, even the ones that complain the most. The ones that really hate it have already quit, I've seen many of them quit in the area where I work. They might complain and growl and sound downright nasty, but they like it because there's nothing like it.

Be prepared to follow every rule there is, to the very best of your ability. What others have said about being watched holds true and if you would do this and become an engineer, the downloads from the locomotive monitors will always tell the tale of what you did, so learn from the very beginning to do it the right way.

NS expects rule compliance and if you aren't compliant, they'll send you packing after awhile. I suspect all the others do, too, but NS gets the rap for being most vehement about it and I think they've earned that rap so, you can work for them and work successfully and stay out of trouble, but you'd best follow the rules to do that.

Date: 11/10/03 20:59
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: Anonymous User

The RR is definetely for some people,it all depends on who you are and what you like or dislike. I worled for CSX on the B&OCT. I met and worked with some great people there.However I don't miss the crazy hours at all, or working in extreme weather conditions. From a railfanning stand point, Railroading is completely different than what you see railfanning. Do not confuse one with the other. I'm sure when you have enough senority the job is alot better also.The fact of having to start all over again on the senority list when going into engine service just wasn't for me. It will be better when all the pre 1985 employee's retire, and then the senority will go back to your hire date.

Date: 11/10/03 23:53
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: NJTMatt

I am happy doing what i do. If you live in the jersey area I would suggest NJT because they are hiring and its a bit different than freight. However, I still work holidays and have odd days off. Some times it works for my advantage, sometimes not, but right now there is nothing else I want to do. Keep in mind i am 25 and unmarried, until may 2004. My girl is understanding and I make time for her when I can. We do dinner when we can, so my advice is if this is what you want, go for it, but it will demand alot from you. And if you meet the demands, the paycheck is a nice reward. Oh yah don't take bumping personally :). My observation is that some for the best people I work with are buffs. I dont think a railfan has any better chance of falling out than someone off the street. it's either for you or it is not. Your love of trains has a place on the job because if it is for you, you will appreciate the job. But until you get some time, keep the trains stuff to yourself, some people will tear a new guy apart if they know he is a buff.

Good luck,

Date: 11/11/03 01:12
Re: I'm Lovin it...but
Author: DNatureofDTrain

Well, I don't care about the horror stories, dangers and threats.

Only way one can talk me out of wanting to work for the railroad is to kill me... Even then. I'd probably try to come back in... through reincarnation in another life, and still fight till I get a job on the railroad... or go to hell for turning against God for not getting the job. And for people who know how Spiritual, and religious I am. Shows you how bad I want this job...

I was hit by lightning last year. When I thought I was dying. What did I ask to live for?

I stated, "Please Spirit Let me live. So that I can work on the railroad.."

I was walking out of a store the other day. Nearly got hit by lightning again as it hit the parking lot. Told my sister if I did track repair that maybe the only thing to get in the way is thunderstorms... But then I dragged my sister out in the storm as we watched lightning zip passed the power lines, and the smell of sulfur as we walked back to her house. I told her. "Spirit never takes us before out time".. So if I get hit by lightning working on the railroad.. I guess it's my time.

I will never give up that dream.

I get so frustrated when I know that it is family, and lack of driver's licence is the only thing killing my chances.. and forcing me to sit here and grow older. Now I am 24 without a job and a driver's licence. I feel like... n/m...

I Just want to work on the Railroad..

Dana C. L.

Date: 11/11/03 05:34
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: ghemr

Great comments from everyone!! They are so true.......

Date: 11/11/03 06:12
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: BaltoJoey

Geez, I thought it was all about ringin' da bell and blowin' the whistle. :-)

BaltoJoey<---looking for my hickory stripe hat

Date: 11/11/03 07:46
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: Anonymous User

You didn't mention what you did before. There are many RR jobs other than train service.

Date: 11/11/03 07:57
Re: Railroaders who LIKE their job.
Author: gladhand

As much as we piss & moan, there is one truism. It beats the hell out of working for a living!

Date: 11/11/03 11:53
Count me in
Author: fmw

I still like my job after five years, but I will say that everything said in this thread so far is completely true. It is what you make of it. I worry most now about railroad outsourcing, i.e. hiring non-union outfits to do industry work and eventually terminal switching, while the class 1's own the stock and collect the dividends. We are beginning to see it now with the Indiana Railroad and its subsidiary taking over Bloomington and one particular industry job in Indy. Do I long for regular hours again? YES. But I do love the scenery and the environment here.

Date: 11/11/03 13:39
Re: Outsourcing
Author: CRRNJ

Don't the class ones already outsource clean-up work when one of their trains hits the dirt? Outfits like Hulcher come to mind. They do airplane crashes as well.


Date: 11/11/03 14:11
Re: Outsourcing
Author: reslivka

You forgot to mention, CSXT owns most, if not all, of Indiana Railroad.

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