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Eastern Railroad Discussion > My oddity entry for the week

Date: 02/03/04 15:57
My oddity entry for the week
Author: robby

A Tri-State Salvage tractor heads north up US23 trailing NS TopGon 27195 which has been damaged in a mishap near East Lynn, WV. The set was caught just south of Ashland, Ky with the trackage in the foreground belonging to the C&O's (CSX) Kanawha Subdivision.

Robby Vaughn

Date: 02/03/04 17:10
Re: My oddity entry for the week
Author: RFandPFan

Now that is a cool shot!!!

Date: 02/03/04 17:13
Re: My oddity entry for the week
Author: dtidave

And more freight traffic gets handled by trucks...

Cool photo! I'd like to get a few of those together with a couple of the trucks I see on I-69 going to Canada with the EMD carbodies on them to make a train that is TRULY unique!

DTIDave ===> Writing this down as a "maybe" modeling project...

Date: 02/03/04 19:02
Re: My oddity entry for the week
Author: CPRchris

Now that's something worth modeling !

Here's my contribution.....I'll cover the end of the consist....don't need no stinkin FRED !


dtidave Wrote:
> And more freight traffic gets handled by
> trucks...
> Cool photo! I'd like to get a few of those
> together with a couple of the trucks I see on I-69
> going to Canada with the EMD carbodies on them to
> make a train that is TRULY unique!
> DTIDave ===> Writing this down as a "maybe"
> modeling project...

Date: 02/03/04 19:39
Re: My oddity entry for the week
Author: varailfan

I usually don't comment on these "oddity" photos, but that one is hands down my all-time favorite. Nice catch Robby!

Jeff Hawkins - Richmond, VA

Date: 02/04/04 07:53
Author: aehouse

Don't send that shot to the American Trucking Association. It might give them ideas..............

Date: 02/05/04 06:27
Too Late
Author: rdg484

It's already been done. Come to Northeast Pennsylvania along state Rt. 309. LOTS of open and closed-type hopper trailers.

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