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Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 9302 sighted today in 1/2 horsehead scheme.

Date: 02/05/04 10:16
NS 9302 sighted today in 1/2 horsehead scheme.
Author: Jim Kosty

There was a coal train on the Southern Tier this afternoon with NS 9302 leading, a UP SD40-2 and AC6000 trailing, and lastly another NS Dash 9-40CW.
The leader, 9302, was in its original, dashed frame stripe scheme, no white brow, and it retained its non - italicized "Norfolk Southern" lettering under the logo on the carbody. The new horsehead logo had apparently been applied over the original logo, as you could see a "line" all aroung the edge of the logo where the edge of the large, stick - on lettering is. It appears that the logos have the white lettering printed on a black background, allowing them to be able to do this.
I wonder if they have an effort underway to at the very least apply the new logos to all units as available to do so?
If anyone else has seen this sort of thing let me know.
Jim Kosty
Corning NY

Date: 02/05/04 14:21
Re: NS 9302 sighted today in 1/2 horsehead scheme.
Author: NSDash9

The original paint on NS 9302 was damaged by a fire. The unit received only new logos when the burned paint was patched.

NS 9366 has the same treatment.

Chris Toth

Date: 02/06/04 01:55
Re: NS 9302 sighted today in 1/2 horsehead scheme.
Author: dieselfan

Thats the way all of the rolling toasters will look like after a while.If the NS wants to save money,they should come up with a fire retardant paint and decal combo.That way every time the catfish fleet catches on fire it won't have to be shopped as often


Date: 02/07/04 12:09
Re: NS 9302 sighted today in 1/2 horsehead scheme.
Author: thannon

At least the NS unit had fresh paint- the UP 7383 in the consist was scorched above the engine.

Tom H>

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